Coding Lab
Give Your Child a Head Start
in the Digital Age
With our Award-Winning Coding Curriculum: Coding Lab.
Our curriculum and courses are developed with students’ learning in mind. Recognising that each student has different learning preference, we have designed our courses to be taught through different delivery channels, modalities and formats.
Choose the combination which best suits your child’s busy scheduling and learning preference from our normal regular classes, accelerated classes and holiday camps.
We have designed a curriculum that introduces computational thinking at an age-appropriate level. After mastering the basics of Scratch, we encourage our students to explore the limits of their imagination. They’ll be tasked with their first-ever hackathon, where they have to put together characters and functions to create games, stories or animations of their choice.
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Scratch 2 is a natural progression for students to hone their skills from Scratch 1. Your child will be able to reiterate concepts with more challenging activities (practice makes perfect!) and realise their childhood dreams of building the coolest game or exciting blockbuster-like animation.
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Dive into mobile application development. Give your child a chance to look beneath the surface at how popular applications like Instagram, TikTok and Telegram are constructed. Using the MIT App Inventor platform, we’ll guide your children through an entire mobile app development journey. And yes, they do create their very own fully functional app at the end of the course.
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It’s never too early to build foundations. As the Fourth Industrial Revolution approaches, coding skills are more essential than ever in giving your children a competitive advantage. Python is a powerful language, widely used in companies like Google and Amazon Web Services. It is also the best place to start for younger learners who are new to programming because of its relative simplicity.
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In this research area, students will learn all about Turtle, a Python library that enables users to create pictures and shapes by providing them with a virtual drawing board. Students will get to dive deeper and explore a full range of features such as Lists, For Loops, Range(), and defining functions.
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The Advanced Computer Scientists programme develops students to the next level of programming. Students will now deep dive into app creation for both iOs and Android, develop the maker in them with our extensive micro:bit curriculum, and model advanced concepts across syntax-based programming to create tangible, real-world products.
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Completed Scratch 2? In this research area, our Young Computer Scientists will design their own thrilling platformer game, pouring their creativity into graphics, code, sound effects, and music. They'll push boundaries with advanced features and customised blocks, ensuring a unique gameplay experience!
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In this research area, students will dive into creating their own Quiz Game using MIT App Inventor, with exciting themes ranging from Science to Harry Potter and Marvel. They'll apply design thinking principles to craft a user-friendly quiz flow and develop a diverse question bank.
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Students will be provided with scaffolded responses for all writing exercises. Students will analyse these scaffolded responses for application of literary techniques, plot development and use of vivid descriptions and phrases.
","description":"Besides a focus on plot planning, students will also learn the different parts of a narrative story and what to include in each section. They will learn how to craft compelling introductions as well as develop gripping climaxes and satisfying conclusions for the narrative.","duration":"5 x 2 hour lessons ","fees":"$719.40 (w/ GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1721656762063,"hs_created_by_user_id":10624922,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":173606356229,"hs_initial_published_at":1721656962423,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1724296010985,"hs_updated_by_user_id":66473057,"image":{"url":"","altText":"july_SP_01-05","fileId":171117021501,"height":750,"type":"image","width":1080},"level":[{"id":172335372633,"isPublished":true,"name":"P3","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":0,"schedule":"Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \nEvery Thursday 15 Aug to 12 Sep | \n5:00pm to 7:00pm | \n
Every Monday 19 Aug to 16 Sep | \n3:00pm to 5:00pm | \n
This programme focuses on Paper 1 (Writing) of the school and national examinations, with an emphasis on continuous writing. Students will complete writing exercises each week, which are supplemented with composition skill-based modules.
","description":"Students will get to explore various literary techniques which can be used to describe people, places and things that appear in their narrative story. They will learn how to make their stories more expressive and their characters come alive using two or more literary techniques.","duration":"5 x 2 hour lessons ","fees":"$719.40 (w/ GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1721657620371,"hs_created_by_user_id":10624922,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":173606356252,"hs_initial_published_at":1721657796770,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1724296012139,"hs_updated_by_user_id":69954208,"image":{"url":"","altText":"image (1)","fileId":171023235971,"height":750,"type":"image","width":1080},"level":[{"id":172572065715,"isPublished":true,"name":"P4","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":0,"schedule":"Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \nEvery Wednesday 14 Aug to 11 Sep | \n5:00pm to 7:00pm | \n
Every Friday 16 Aug to 13 Sep | \n3:00pm to 5:00pm | \n
Session 1: Rate of Reactions, Oxidation and Reduction, Electrochemistry
Session 2: Fuels and Crude Oil, Hydrocarbons, Alcohols, Carboxylic Acids and Esters, Polymers
This programme is designed for Secondary 4 students to revise selected key Chemistry topics that they tend to struggle with, through the use of comprehensive thematic revision handouts that include concept maps, exam tips and practice questions that are similar to those tested in the GCE ‘O’ level Chemistry examination.
\nThe programme will help to reinforce your child’s understanding of key concepts, as well as strengthen his or her mastery in question and data analysis, answering techniques and error analysis, and ultimately, help your child to achieve exam excellence.
","duration":"2 x 3 hour lessons","fees":"$431.64 (w/ GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1721903207307,"hs_created_by_user_id":66473057,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":173959641001,"hs_initial_published_at":1721962565358,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1722910373535,"hs_updated_by_user_id":69954208,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Image Content-Special Programmes-Chemistry-SEC4","fileId":174709175066,"height":718,"type":"image","width":856},"level":[{"id":172981847957,"isPublished":true,"name":"SEC4","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":1,"schedule":"Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \nWednesday, 4 Sep | \n1:00pm to 4:00pm | \n
Friday, 6 Sep | \n1:00pm to 4:00pm | \n
Session 1: Maintenance and Regulation of Life Processes (III): Co-ordination and Response; Continuity of Life (I): Reproduction in Plants and Humans
Session 2: Continuity of Life (II): Cell Division, Molecular Genetics, Inheritance
Topics covered:
\n- \n
- Nutrition and Transport in Plants \n
- Organisms and Their Environment \n
- Reproduction in Flowering Plants \n
- Reproduction in Humans \n
- Inheritance \n
This programme is designed for Secondary 4 students to revise selected key Biology topics that students need more practice in to reinforce conceptual knowledge, through the use of comprehensive thematic revision handouts that include concept maps, exam tips and practice questions that are commonly tested in the GCE ‘O’ level Biology examination.
\nThe programme will help to reinforce your child's understanding of key concepts, as well as strengthen his or her mastery in question and data analysis, answering techniques and error analysis, and ultimately, help your child to achieve exam excellence.
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United Square | \nTuesday, 3 Sep | \n1:00pm to 4:00pm | \n
Thursday, 5 Sep | \n9:00am to 12:00pm | \n
Session 1: General Wave Properties, Light, D.C. Circuits, Practical Electricity
Session 2: Electromagnetism, Electromagnetic Induction, Radioactivity
The programme will help to reinforce your child’s understanding of key concepts, as well as strengthen his or her mastery of question and data analysis, answering techniques, and error analysis, with the aim of helping your child to achieve exam excellence.","duration":"2 x 3 hour lessons","fees":"$431.64 (w/ GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1722407803899,"hs_created_by_user_id":69390292,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":174454241976,"hs_initial_published_at":1722408196340,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1722591339155,"hs_updated_by_user_id":69954208,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Image Content-Special Programmes-Physics-SEC4","fileId":174716427572,"height":718,"type":"image","width":856},"level":[{"id":172981847957,"isPublished":true,"name":"SEC4","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":1,"schedule":"
Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \nMonday, 2 Sep | \n9:00am to 12:00pm | \n
Tuesday, 3 Sep | \n9:00am to 12:00pm | \n
- \n
- Engage in the exciting activity of Laser Darts, where participants explore the properties of luminous objects and the straight-line nature of light. \n
- Uncover the secrets of symmetry through the hands-on activity Symmetry Secrets, where students create mirror images and delve into the concept of reflection using smooth surfaces and light. \n
- Conduct experiments with the Transmission Tester to observe and compare the amount of light transmitted through different materials, providing insights into the concept of light transmission. \n
- Bring shadows to life with the creation of Shadow Puppets, exploring the fundamental principles behind shadow formation and manipulation in a creative and engaging manner. \n
Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \nMonday, 2 Sep | \n12.30pm to 2.30pm | \n
Wednesday, 4 Sep | \n12.30pm to 2.30pm | \n|
Thursday, 5 Sep | \n12.30pm to 2.30pm | \n
- \n
- Day 1: Trigonometry (Trigonometric Functions and Graphs, Simple Trigonometric Identities and Equations, Further Trigonometric Identities) \n
- Day 2: Calculus (Differentiation, Rates of Change, Maxima and Minima, Integration, Area of Region and Kinematics) \n
This programme provides students with a comprehensive revision of topics that comprise a significant percentage of the 'O' Level examination. We will revise all topics under the strands of Calculus and Trigonometry, namely Differentiation, Rates of Change, Maxima and Minima, Integration, Area of Region, Kinematics, Trigonometric Functions and Graphs, Simple Trigonometric Identities and Equations, and Further Trigonometric Identities.
\nFor each strand, students will get a consolidation of all the important concepts in a concept map and work on common exam questions including selected past 'O' Level questions. Non-routine application questions will also be covered in this session to provide students with a greater exposure to a variation of question types.
","duration":"2 x 3 hour lessons","fees":"$431.64 (w/ GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1722408201000,"hs_created_by_user_id":64756999,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":174454242051,"hs_initial_published_at":1722408609953,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1722856210836,"hs_updated_by_user_id":69954208,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Image Content-Special Programmes-AMath-SEC4","fileId":174640178443,"height":718,"type":"image","width":856},"level":[{"id":172981847957,"isPublished":true,"name":"SEC4","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":1,"schedule":"Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \nWednesday, 4 Sep | \n9:00am to 12:00pm | \n
Friday, 6 Sep | \n9:00am to 12:00pm | \n
Topics covered:
\n- Day 1: Measurement (Area & Perimeter, Volume & Surface Area, Similar Figures & Solids, Circular Measure, Trigonometry and its Applications, Vectors)
- Day 2: Probability and Statistics
This programme focuses on helping students to revise all topics under the strands of Measurement and Statistics, according to 'O' Level Mathematics syllabus (4052).
\nFor each strand, students will get a consolidation of all the important concepts in a concept map and work on common exam questions including selected past 'O' Level questions. Non-routine application questions will also be covered in this session to provide students with a greater exposure to a variation of question types.
","duration":"2 x 3 hour lessons","fees":"$431.64 (w/ GST) ","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1722408614912,"hs_created_by_user_id":69390292,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":174454242057,"hs_initial_published_at":1722408950588,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1724380098320,"hs_updated_by_user_id":66473057,"image":{"url":"","altText":"writing-board-2023-11-27-05-30-35-utc","fileId":174635488265,"height":2546,"type":"image","width":3667},"level":[{"id":172981847957,"isPublished":true,"name":"SEC4","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":1,"schedule":"Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \nMonday, 2 Sep | \n1:00pm to 4:00pm | \n
Thursday, 5 Sep | \n1:00pm to 4:00pm | \n
Day 1:
\n- \n
- Numbers to 10 000 \n
- Patterns \n
- Area and Perimeter \n
- Managing Word Problems (Grouping, Stack Model, Age Problems and Supposition) \n
- \n
- Time \n
- Patterns \n
- Managing Word Problems on Internal Transfer, External Transfer, Equal Stage and Supposition \n
To reinforce conceptual understanding and overview of the topics, your child will work on various problem types that are grouped by concepts. During the lessons, your child will hone question analysis skills through identifying key statements and sharpen their problem-solving skills by evaluating different methods. This is an ideal programme for students who would like to get a sense of their progress and identify key areas they would like to work on in preparation for the end-of-year examination.","duration":"2 x 3 hour lessons","fees":"$431.64 (w/ GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1722418357466,"hs_created_by_user_id":69390292,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":174493919914,"hs_initial_published_at":1722422247044,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1722589312659,"hs_updated_by_user_id":69954208,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Image Content-Special Programmes-Math-P3","fileId":174640392478,"height":718,"type":"image","width":856},"level":[{"id":172335372633,"isPublished":true,"name":"P3","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":1,"schedule":"
Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \nMonday, 2 Sep | \n9:00am to 12:00pm | \n
Tuesday, 3 Sep | \n1:00pm to 4:00pm | \n
- \n
- Decimals \n
- Fractions \n
- \n
- Geometry \n
- Area and Perimeter \n
This programme provides your child with a comprehensive revision of key Term 2 and 3 topics such as Geometry, Area erimeter and Decimals. In addition, your child will revise important concepts for Fractions and gain a deeper understanding through applying these concepts.
\nTo reinforce conceptual understanding and overview of the topics, your child will work on various problem types that are grouped by concepts. During the lessons, your child will hone question analysis skills through identifying key statements, sharpen their problem-solving skills by evaluating different methods, and applying efficient problem-solving techniques. This is an ideal programme for students who would like to get a sense of their progress and identify key areas they would like to work on in preparation for the end-of-year examination.
","duration":"2 x 3 hour lessons","fees":"$431.64 (w/ GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1722416942638,"hs_created_by_user_id":69390292,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":174484949112,"hs_initial_published_at":1722416950977,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1722589319744,"hs_updated_by_user_id":69954208,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Image Content-Special Programmes-Math-P4","fileId":174640392983,"height":718,"type":"image","width":856},"level":[{"id":172572065715,"isPublished":true,"name":"P4","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":1,"schedule":"Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \nWednesday, 4 Sep | \n1:00pm to 4:00pm | \n
Friday, 6 Sep | \n9:00am to 12:00pm | \n
- \n
- Geometry \n
- Number Patterns \n
- \n
- Managing Word Problems involving Fractions, Ratio & Percentage \n
This programme provides your child with a comprehensive revision of key Term 3 topics such as Geometry and Number Patterns. In addition, your child will revise important concepts for Managing Word Problems and gain a deeper understanding through applying these concepts across Percentage, Fractions and Ratio. To reinforce conceptual understanding and overview of the topics, your child will work on various problem types that are grouped by concepts.
\nDuring the lessons, your child will hone question analysis skills through identifying key statements, sharpen their problem-solving skills by evaluating different methods and applying efficient problem-solving techniques. This is an ideal programme for students who would like to get a sense of their progress and identify key areas they would like to work on in preparation for the end-of-year examination.
\nStudents will need to bring a calculator for this programme.
","duration":"2 x 3 hour lessons","fees":"$470.88 (w/ GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1722416341887,"hs_created_by_user_id":69390292,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":174484949108,"hs_initial_published_at":1722416950977,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1722589320940,"hs_updated_by_user_id":69954208,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Image Content-Special Programmes-Math-P5","fileId":174640393617,"height":718,"type":"image","width":856},"level":[{"id":172572065716,"isPublished":true,"name":"P5","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":1,"schedule":"Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \nMonday, 2 Sep | \n1:00pm to 4:00pm | \n
Friday, 6 Sep | \n1:00pm to 4:00pm | \n
- \n
- Preparing for the PSLE Timed Trial (I) \n
- Preparing for PSLE Handout 1 - Focus on Application of Heuristics \n
Day 2:
\n- \n
- Preparing for the PSLE Timed Trial (II) \n
- Preparing for PSLE Handout 2 - Focus on Spatial Visualisation \n
This programme provides students with a comprehensive revision of concepts across topics like Whole Numbers, Fractions, Ratio and Percentage that comprise a significant percentage of the PSLE. As the questions in the Prelim and PSLE Math Papers are moving towards a trend which require your child to analyse and apply concepts across topics, our skill-based lessons in the IR 3 programme expose stus to interesting problems involving Spatial Visualisation such as Area & Perimeter and challenge their exam savviness in a timed setting.
\nTo help students excel in the PSLE, students will learn useful exam strategies such as application of efficient problem solving methods and skills to tackle non-routine/higher-order thinking questions . With the PSLE in mind, this is an ideal programme for students to learn how to focus and strategise on key aspects of the Math examination so that they can excel in the PSLE
\nStudents will need to bring a calculator for this programme.
","duration":"2 x 3 hour lessons","fees":"$470.88 (w/ GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1722413843549,"hs_created_by_user_id":69390292,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":174493919302,"hs_initial_published_at":1722416086319,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1724044125105,"hs_updated_by_user_id":69954208,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Image Content-Special Programmes-Math-P6","fileId":174640393616,"height":718,"type":"image","width":856},"level":[{"id":172556979323,"isPublished":true,"name":"P6","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":1,"schedule":"Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \nTuesday, 3 Sep | \n9:00am to 12:00pm | \n
Thursday, 5 Sep | \n1:00pm to 4:00pm | \n|
Rochester Mall | \nTuesday, 3 Sep | \n9:00am to 12:00pm | \n
Wednesday, 4 Sep | \n9:00am to 12:00pm | \n|
JEM | \n\n Thursday, 5 Sep \n | \n1:00pm to 4:00pm | \n
\n Friday, 6 Sep \n | \n9:00am to 12:00pm | \n|
Marine Parade | \nThursday, 5 Sep | \n9:00am to 12:00pm | \n
Friday, 6 Sep | \n1:00pm to 4:00pm | \n|
Century Square | \nMonday, 2 Sep | \n9:00am to 12:00pm | \n
Tuesday, 3 Sep | \n9:00am to 12:00pm | \n|
Woodleigh Mall | \nWednesday, 4 Sep | \n\n 1:00pm to 4:00pm \n | \n
Thursday, 5 Sep | \n\n 1:00pm to 4:00pm \n | \n
- \n
- Generating ideas \n
- Selecting the best plots for writing \n
- Applying literary techniques to enhance your language \n
- \n
- Analysing questions to determine question requirements \n
- Applying techniques to find relevant clues in the passage to answer the questions \n
- Using answering techniques to tackle different question types (direct, inferential, true or false) \n
- \n
- Recapping knowledge of essential S&T rules \n
- Applying S&T rules accurately using exam-savvy tricks and tips \n
- \n
- Recapping knowledge of essential grammar rules \n
- Analysing key terms in questions \n
- Applying grammar rules accurately using exam-savvy tricks and tips \n
- \n
- Identifying the purpose, audience and key details of the given visual medium with guidance \n
- \n
- Understanding expectations required of the oral examination \n
- Applying useful and exam-savvy tips to crafting a response \n
This programme aims to give Primary 3 students an introduction to TLL’s in-house methods for the various components in the English paper and equips students with exam-savvy strategies and techniques. Your child will be exposed to skills-based modules in composition and comprehension and language proficiency segments in grammar, especially in synthesis and transformation. Your child will also have the opportunity to hone his/her visual text comprehension skills and learn useful oral exam tips.
\nDuring the lesson, students will learn how to accurately source for clues in a comprehension passage in order to address question requirements. Students will also learn how to use a mind map to generate a range of ideas for their compositions. Students will receive two scaffolded responses to give them a chance to learn from models of good writing, which are used to highlight key skills to improve their writing. Students will also learn techniques that will help them ace the Synthesis and Transformation section of the exam paper and how to apply the elimination technique in order to do well in the grammar Multiple Choice Question section.
","duration":"2 x 3 hour lessons","fees":"$431.64 (w/ GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1722418567137,"hs_created_by_user_id":69390292,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":174484949521,"hs_initial_published_at":1722422247044,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1722589326102,"hs_updated_by_user_id":69954208,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Image Content-Special Programmes-English-P3","fileId":174639530351,"height":718,"type":"image","width":856},"level":[{"id":172335372633,"isPublished":true,"name":"P3","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":1,"schedule":"Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \nWednesday, 4 Sep | \n1:00pm to 4:00pm | \n
Friday, 6 Sep | \n1:00pm to 4:00pm | \n
- \n
- Analysing questions to determine question requirements \n
- Applying techniques to find relevant clues in the passage to answer the questions \n
- Using answering techniques to tackle different question types (direct, inferential, true or false) \n
- Learning how to overcome common mistakes in comprehension answers (inaccuracy and imprecision in answers) \n
- \n
- Analysing information in the passage to determine the types of blanks tested \n
- Using clues in the passage to derive the answers \n
- Learning how to avoid common pitfalls in cloze passages \n
- \n
- Analysing the visual text \n
- Applying clue sourcing skills to find relevant clues in the visual text to answer the questions \n
- Analysing key terms in the questions \n
- \n
- Recapping knowledge of essential S&T rules \n
- Applying S&T rules accurately using exam-savvy tricks and tips \n
In Intensive Revision 3, your child will be exposed to a skills-based module and practice for the open-ended comprehension. In addition, your child will also have the opportunity to hone his / her cloze passage, visual text comprehension and synthesis & transformation skills through a series of practices. This is an ideal programme for students who would like to get a sense of their progress and identify key areas they would like to work on in preparation for the end-of-year assessment.
\nThe course covers key examination skills and students will learn how to apply the different examination techniques taught. For the open-ended comprehension, students will learn how to identify different question types and how to apply appropriate answering techniques for each question type. For the visual text comprehension, students will learn how to examine the stimulus for clues and apply the elimination technique to rule out answers. Finally, students will also be able to recap grammar rules and pick up techniques for tackling the cloze passage and synthesis and transformation by attempting a range of questions.
","duration":"2 x 3 hour lessons","fees":"$431.64 (w/ GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1722417480145,"hs_created_by_user_id":69390292,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":174484949114,"hs_initial_published_at":1722422247044,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1722589329510,"hs_updated_by_user_id":69954208,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Image Content-Special Programmes-English-P4","fileId":174640206088,"height":718,"type":"image","width":856},"level":[{"id":172572065715,"isPublished":true,"name":"P4","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":1,"schedule":"Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \nMonday, 2 Sep | \n9:00am to 12:00pm | \n
Tuesday, 3 Sep | \n1:00pm to 4:00pm | \n
- \n
- Analysing questions to determine question requirements \n
- Applying techniques to find relevant clues in the passage to answer the questions \n
- Using answering techniques to tackle different question types (direct, inferential, true or false) \n
- Learning how to overcome common mistakes in comprehension answers (inaccuracy and imprecision in answers) \n
- \n
- Analysing information in the passage to determine the types of blanks tested \n
- Using clues in the passage to derive the answers \n
- Learning how to avoid common pitfalls in cloze passages \n
\n- \n
- Gaining exposure to frequently tested vocabulary questions in school examinations \n
- Applying exam-savvy methods to tackle vocabulary MCQs \n
- \n
- Recapping knowledge of essential S&T rules \n
- Applying S&T rules accurately using exam-savvy tricks and tips \n
In Intensive Revision 3, your child will be exposed to a skills-based module and practice for the open-ended comprehension. In addition, your child will also have the opportunity to hone his / her cloze passage, vocabulary and synthesis & transformation skills through a series of practices. This is an ideal programme for students who would like to get a sense of their progress and identify key areas they would like to work on in preparation for the end-of-year examination.
\nThis course covers key examination skills and students will learn how to apply the different examination techniques taught. For the open-ended comprehension and the cloze passage, students will learn how to identify the different question types and how to apply the appropriate answering techniques to each question type. In addition, students will learn how to employ the ripple effect to source for clues and provide appropriate answers. Throughout this course, students will also be exposed to a variety of vocabulary which they can use in their writing and daily lives. Finally, students will be able to recap synthesis and transformation rules by attempting a range of questions.
","duration":"2 x 3 hour lessons","fees":"$470.88 (w/ GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1722416481881,"hs_created_by_user_id":69390292,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":174484949109,"hs_initial_published_at":1722416950977,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1722589332976,"hs_updated_by_user_id":69954208,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Image Content-Special Programmes-English-P5","fileId":174640206087,"height":718,"type":"image","width":856},"level":[{"id":172572065716,"isPublished":true,"name":"P5","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":1,"schedule":"Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \nTuesday, 3 Sep | \n9:00am to 12:00pm | \n
Wednesday, 4 Sep | \n9:00am to 12:00pm | \n
- \n
- Analysing questions to determine question requirements \n
- Applying techniques to find relevant clues in the passage to answer the questions \n
- Using answering techniques to tackle different question types (direct, inferential, true or false) \n
- Learning how to overcome common mistakes in comprehension answers (inaccuracy and imprecision in answers) \n
- \n
- Analysing information in the passage to determine the types of blanks tested \n
- Using clues in the passage to derive the answers \n
- Learning how to avoid common pitfalls in cloze passages \n
\n- \n
- Gaining exposure to frequently tested vocabulary questions in school examinations \n
- Applying exam-savvy methods to tackle vocabulary MCQs \n
- \n
- Recapping knowledge of essential S&T rules \n
- Applying S&T rules accurately using exam-savvy tricks and tips \n
In Intensive Revision 3, your child will be exposed to a skills-based module and practice for the open-ended comprehension. In addition, your child will also have the opportunity to hone his / her cloze passage, vocabulary and synthesis & transformation skills through a series of practices. This is an ideal programme for students who would like to get a sense of their progress and identify key areas they would like to work on in preparation for the PSLE.
\nThis course covers key examination skills and students will learn how to apply the different examination techniques taught. For the open-ended comprehension and the cloze passage, students will learn how to identify the different question types and how to apply the appropriate answering techniques to each question type. In addition, students will learn how to employ the ripple effect to source for clues and provide appropriate answers. Throughout this course, students will also be exposed to a variety of vocabulary which they can use in their writing and daily lives. Finally, students will be able to recap synthesis and transformation rules by attempting a range of questions.
","duration":"2 x 3 hour lessons","fees":"$470.88 (w/ GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1722415619741,"hs_created_by_user_id":69390292,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":174493919403,"hs_initial_published_at":1722416086319,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1722589336731,"hs_updated_by_user_id":69954208,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Image Content-Special Programmes-English-P6","fileId":174640720767,"height":718,"type":"image","width":856},"level":[{"id":172556979323,"isPublished":true,"name":"P6","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":1,"schedule":"Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \nThursday, 5 Sep | \n9:00am to 12:00pm | \n
Friday, 6 Sep | \n9:00am to 12:00pm | \n|
Rochester Mall | \nMonday, 2 Sep | \n9:00am to 12:00pm | \n
Friday, 6 Sep | \n1:00pm to 4:00pm | \n|
JEM | \n\n Wednesday, 4 Sep \n | \n9:00am to 12:00pm | \n
\n Thursday, 5 Sep \n | \n9:00am to 12:00pm | \n|
Marine Parade | \nMonday, 2 Sep | \n1:00pm to 4:00pm | \n
Wednesday, 4 Sep | \n9:00am to 12:00pm | \n|
Century Square | \nTuesday, 3 Sep | \n1:00pm to 4:00pm | \n
Friday, 6 Sep | \n9:00am to 12:00pm | \n|
Woodleigh Mall | \nThursday, 5 Sep | \n\n 9:00am to 12:00pm \n | \n
Friday, 6 Sep | \n\n 9:00am to 12:00pm \n | \n
Session 1
- \n
- Section A: Editing \n
- Section B: Situational writing \n
Reading Comprehension:
\n- \n
- Section A: Visual Text \n
Reading Comprehension:
\n- \n
- Section B: Narrative Text \n
- Section C: Expository Text (with summary writing) \n
This programme is a two-part series for Secondary 4 students, guiding them to excel and score well in the Writing Paper (Paper 1) and Reading Comprehension Paper (Paper 2). For Writing skills (Paper 1), through mini practices, we will go through key skills for situational writing and editing. For Reading Comprehension (Paper 2), we will be answering questions for visual texts, following the revised 2023 O Level examination requirements. We will also revise the narrative text section for Comprehension and will practice skills required for expository texts as well as the summary question.
\nYour child will be guided through the test, teach and reflect method to check on his/ her understanding and to tackle his/ her areas of weakness. For the Writing Paper, students will respond to two different situational writing prompts from past years’ 'O' Level papers, through mini writing exercises. The editing exercise will help students focus on their grammar before writing. For Comprehension, we will cover skills for the expository text and visual texts sections. Students will be reminded how to read critically in order to answer the questions well. There will also be a revision on the Narrative text section of the paper. Additionally, students will be taught tips and tricks on how to respond to the summary writing question well.
","duration":"2 x 3 hour lessons","fees":"$431.64 (w/ GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1722408967454,"hs_created_by_user_id":69390292,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":174454242058,"hs_initial_published_at":1722409564225,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1724914382550,"hs_updated_by_user_id":64756999,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Image Content-Special Programmes-English-SEC4","fileId":174639530352,"height":718,"type":"image","width":856},"level":[{"id":172981847957,"isPublished":true,"name":"SEC4","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":1,"schedule":"Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \nThursday, 5 Sep | \n4:00pm to 7:00pm | \n
Friday, 6 Sep | \n4:00pm to 7:00pm | \n
- \n
- Life Cycles of Plants \n
- Life Cycles of Animals \n
- Magnets \n
- \n
- Experiment Analysis (Fair test, Aims and Conclusions) \n
This programme is designed to reinforce the understanding of important concepts, and help your child master the techniques of tackling open-ended questions/free response questions, application questions and experiment-based questions.
\nThis programme focuses on the topical revision of key Primary 3 Science topics, process skills and answering techniques. Through dedicated Experiment Analysis handouts, your child will learn to identify the aim and conclusion of an experiment and design fair tests.
","duration":"2 x 3 hour lessons","fees":"$431.64 (w/ GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1722418140107,"hs_created_by_user_id":69390292,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":174493919911,"hs_initial_published_at":1722422247044,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1722589369759,"hs_updated_by_user_id":69954208,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Image Content-Special Programmes-Science-P3","fileId":174637743902,"height":718,"type":"image","width":856},"level":[{"id":172335372633,"isPublished":true,"name":"P3","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":1,"schedule":"Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \nThursday, 5 Sep | \n9:00am to 12:00pm | \n
Friday, 6 Sep | \n9:00am to 12:00pm | \n
- \n
- Magnets \n
- Light \n
- Heat \n
- \n
- Graph Analysis \n
- Experiment Analysis \n
This programme provides comprehensive revision of the topics covered such as Magnets, Light and Heat, while equipping your child with necessary skills to analyse information given in open-ended questions/free response questions and the use of structured answering techniques. Your child will gain a better grasp on question analysis. For multiple-choice questions, your child will learn how to avoid common mistakes and reduce carelessness through the use of tailored strategies.
\nFor open-ended questions/free response questions, detailed dissections of questions are done to allow your child to learn to utilise relevant keywords to craft a complete but succinct answer. For challenging application questions, your child will work on drawing links from previous parts, to get to the crux of the question. Dedicated handouts on Experiment Analysis and Graph Analysis will equip your child with skills required to analyse experiment-based questions and questions with graphs respectively.
","duration":"2 x 3 hour lessons","fees":"$431.64 (w/ GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1722416660646,"hs_created_by_user_id":69390292,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":174493919414,"hs_initial_published_at":1722416950977,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1722589366525,"hs_updated_by_user_id":69954208,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Image Content-Special Programmes-Science-P4","fileId":174637161398,"height":718,"type":"image","width":856},"level":[{"id":172572065715,"isPublished":true,"name":"P4","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":1,"schedule":"Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \nMonday, 2 Sep | \n1:00pm to 4:00pm | \n
Thursday, 5 Sep | \n1:00pm to 4:00pm | \n
- \n
- Reproduction and Heredity \n
- Reproduction in Plants \n
- Water and Changes of State \n
- Air and Living Things \n
- Cells \n
- Electrical System \n
Through the programme, your child will gain a better grasp on question analysis. For multiple-choice questions, your child will learn how to avoid common mistakes and reduce carelessness through the use of tailored strategies. For open-ended questions/free response questions, detailed dissections of questions allow your child to learn to utilise relevant keywords to craft a complete but succinct answer. For challenging application questions, your child will work on drawing links from previous parts, to get to the crux of the question.","duration":"2 x 3 hour lessons","fees":"$470.88 (w/ GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1722416109450,"hs_created_by_user_id":69390292,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":174493919407,"hs_initial_published_at":1722416950977,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1722589367898,"hs_updated_by_user_id":69954208,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Image Content-Special Programmes-Science-P5-1","fileId":174639098496,"height":718,"type":"image","width":856},"level":[{"id":172572065716,"isPublished":true,"name":"P5","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":1,"schedule":"
Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \nTuesday, 3 Sep | \n1:00pm to 4:00pm | \n
Wednesday, 4 Sep | \n1:00pm to 4:00pm | \n
- \n
- Forces \n
- Energy and the Sun \n
- Sources and Forms of Energy \n
- Environment/People and the Environment \n
- Adapting to the Environment \n
- Environmental Interactions \n
Exam techniques components covered:
- \n
- Experiment Analysis \n
- Question Analysis \n
- Data Analysis \n
This programme provides comprehensive coverage of P6 topics and equips your child with skills required for question analysis and answering techniques. It is designed to reinforce the understanding of key science concepts as your child enters the final lap towards the PSLE. We will take a topic-focused approach to the revision of P6 topics, zooming in on frequently-asked questions and application questions.
\nStudents will gain awareness of common misconceptions for closely-related topics, such as Forces and Energy, and learn to differentiate the required concepts and keywords. Dedicated skills-focused handouts, including systematic analysis of selected past PSLE questions, help to break down what to look out for and steps to take in a clear manner, allowing your child to build up the confidence to approach challenging Science questions independently.
","duration":"2 x 3 hour lessons","fees":"$470.88 (w/ GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1722410404699,"hs_created_by_user_id":69390292,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":174462317179,"hs_initial_published_at":1722410486043,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1722590689380,"hs_updated_by_user_id":69954208,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Image Content-Special Programmes-Science-P6","fileId":174638309512,"height":718,"type":"image","width":856},"level":[{"id":172556979323,"isPublished":true,"name":"P6","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":1,"schedule":"Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \nMonday, 2 Sep | \n9:00am to 12:00pm | \n
Wednesday, 4 Sep | \n9:00am to 12:00pm | \n|
Rochester Mall | \nThursday, 5 Sep | \n1:00pm to 4:00pm | \n
Friday, 6 Sep | \n9:00am to 12:00pm | \n|
JEM | \n\n Monday, 2 Sep \n | \n9:00am to 12:00pm | \n
\n Tuesday, 3 Sep \n | \n9:00am to 12:00pm | \n|
Marine Parade | \nMonday, 2 Sep | \n9:00am to 12:00pm | \n
Tuesday, 3 Sep | \n9:00am to 12:00pm | \n|
Century Square | \nWednesday, 4 Sep | \n9:00am to 12:00pm | \n
Thursday, 5 Sep | \n9:00am to 12:00pm | \n|
Woodleigh Mall | \nWednesday, 4 Sep | \n\n 9:00am to 12:00pm \n | \n
Friday, 6 Sep | \n\n 1:00pm to 4:00pm \n | \n
English Language Components and Skills
\n- \n
- Comprehension MCQ: specialist guidance on question analysis, close reading, clue-sourcing and answering techniques \n
- Vocabulary MCQ: exposure to a comprehensive range of GEP-level vocabulary \n
- Cloze Passage: contextual analysis and answer precision techniques \n
- General Ability: homographs, anagrams, analogies and word puzzles \n
Mathematics Topics
\n- \n
- Arithmetic: number sense, four operations, orders and positions \n
- Geometry: properties of polygons, shapes within shapes \n
- Measurement: gaps and intervals, rates, sets \n
- General Ability components
- Number Patterns: number sequences, number puzzles
- Figure Patterns: rotational/symmetrical/inverted patterns
- Logic: relationship in pairs, deducing answers based on logical reasoning
- Spatial Sense: parts of a composite shape, regular and irregular shapes \n
The Learning Lab's GEP Excellence programme is an intensive set of lessons that provides your child with exposure to challenging questions that are commonly tested in the MOE’s highly competitive two-stage Selection exercise. Our specialists will guide your child to sharpen their critical thinking and creative problem-solving skills by training them in strategies and techniques to face the English Language, Mathematics and General Ability tests with confidence. Run several times in the academic year, this popular programme provides different sets of practices and questions every time your child participates in the programme in order to score well in the Selection exercise. The materials are pitched according to your child’s learning abilities at different times of the year. There will be no screening tests for our programme and all are welcome.
For English, Primary 3 students will be trained on how to apply specific tips and strategies for a variety of General Ability questions ranging from word puzzles and analogies to homographs and anagrams. They will also learn how to analyse challenging comprehension and cloze passages, and be trained on how to eliminate options using clue-sourcing and answer precision techniques. As vocabulary carries a high weightage in the Selection exercise, students will also get practice for tricky GEP-level MCQ questions that test their ability to differentiate between words with subtle nuances in meaning and require contextual application of vocabulary.
For Mathematics, Primary 3 students will be exposed to different types of non-routine problems which include familiar concepts such as arithmetic, patterns and measurement. The General Ability questions aim to boost their higher-level logical thinking and reasoning skills. This enrichment programme is also aimed at challenging students to achieve their full potential by tackling topics which require a strong ability to visualise diagrams. They will be taught how to analyse questions of high complexity and apply creative problem-solving methods to achieve efficiency.
2 x 2-hour lessons (Mathematics)","fees":"$575.52(w/ GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1724296015434,"hs_created_by_user_id":66473057,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":176322963989,"hs_initial_published_at":1724297828900,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1728362502095,"hs_updated_by_user_id":69954208,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Upper-Primary-Programmes-Jul-16-2024-03-28-36-1487-PM","fileId":173135404643,"height":295,"type":"image","width":395},"level":[{"id":172335372633,"isPublished":true,"name":"P3","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":0,"schedule":"
Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \n\n Friday, 4 October (English Session 1) | \n\n 10:00 am - 12:00 pm | \n
United Square | \n\n Thursday, 10 October (English Session 1) | \n\n 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm | \n
United Square | \n\n Monday, 7 October (English Session 1) | \n\n 3:00pm - 5:00 pm \n | \n
For English
\nPrepare a strong pitch to win the company more public support as the Chief Communications Officer and learn how to:
\n- \n
- Synthesise and summarise information about sustainability from various sources \n
- Craft clear company vision and mission statements \n
- Write explanations on sustainable business practices for the company \n
- Present company’s sustainable practices in an infographic \n
- Craft and present a persuasive speech to promote the mission and vision of the start-up \n
For Mathematics
\nRole play as the Chief Data Analyst and learn how to:
\n- \n
- Collect, classify and display data using different statistical diagrams \n
- Interpret data from pictograms, bar graphs, pie charts and line graphs \n
- Evaluate the purposes and appropriateness of the use of different statistical diagrams \n
- Perform calculations involving percentage conversion and comparison \n
- Solve problems involving simple and compound interests \n
For Science
\nNavigate challenges as the company's Chief Sustainability Scientist and learn how to:
\n- \n
- Describe and conduct food tests to investigate the presence of proteins, fats, starch and reducing sugars \n
- Evaluate the nutritional requirements for a healthy diet \n
- Recognise that structure and bonding present in a substance can affect its physical properties \n
- State that substances can undergo changes in state when heated or cooled and recognise its application in the scaffolding of lab-grown meat \n
- Describe atmospheric pressure and recognise its application in the 3-D bioprinting of lab-grown meat \n
- Describe forces and pressure, and recognise the application of these concepts to check the texture and structure of lab-grown meat \n
Join our holiday camp! Learn how to use statistics and percentages to make sense of data and make financial decisions, explore how meat can be grown in the laboratory, and learn the art of communicating in a world of changing tastes and values.
","duration":"2 x 3 hours per subject","fees":"$1412.64 (Incl. GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1727234500064,"hs_created_by_user_id":69954208,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":179387181181,"hs_initial_published_at":1727234597580,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1728038192568,"hs_updated_by_user_id":69954208,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Secondary-Programmes-Jul-16-2024-02-40-15-3236-PM","fileId":173129184533,"height":295,"type":"image","width":395},"level":[{"id":172981847955,"isPublished":true,"name":"SEC1","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":1,"schedule":"Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \n\n Wednesday, Thursday, Friday | \n\n 9:00am - 12:00pm | \n
\n Monday, Thursday, Friday | \n||
Rochester Mall | \n\n Tuesday, Thursday, Friday | \n|
Marine Parade | \n\n Wednesday, Thursday, Friday | \n
We have designed a curriculum that introduces computational thinking at an age-appropriate level. After mastering the basics of Scratch, we encourage our students to explore the limits of their imagination. They’ll be tasked with their first-ever hackathon, where they have to put together characters and functions to create games, stories or animations of their choice.
","duration":"5 x 2 hour lessons","fees":"Early Bird Discount (14 days before programme commences): $450.44
Regular Fee: $474.15","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1727850050489,"hs_created_by_user_id":66473057,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":179997493160,"hs_initial_published_at":1727863327118,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1735880993684,"hs_updated_by_user_id":69954208,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Scratch-2","fileId":180486019107,"height":2670,"type":"image","width":4000},"level":[{"id":170822052998,"isPublished":true,"name":"P1","type":"foreignid"},{"id":170822052999,"isPublished":true,"name":"P2","type":"foreignid"},{"id":172335372633,"isPublished":true,"name":"P3","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":0,"tags":[{"id":179997493154,"isPublished":true,"name":"Holiday","type":"foreignid"}],"title":"P101 Scratch 1 (Holiday)","type":{"createdAt":1720543282860,"createdByUserId":10587375,"id":1,"isHubspotDefined":false,"label":"Coding Lab","labelTranslations":{},"name":"Coding Lab","order":0,"type":"option","updatedAt":1720543282860,"updatedByUserId":10587375}},{"class_format":"Fully physical classes","description":"
We have designed a curriculum that introduces computational thinking at an age-appropriate level. After mastering the basics of Scratch, we encourage our students to explore the limits of their imagination. They’ll be tasked with their first-ever hackathon, where they have to put together characters and functions to create games, stories or animations of their choice.
","duration":"4 x 2.5 hour lessons","fees":"Early Bird Discount (14 days before programme commences): $450.44
Regular Fee: $474.15","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1727853280713,"hs_created_by_user_id":66473057,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":179997495115,"hs_initial_published_at":1727863327118,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1735880234124,"hs_updated_by_user_id":69954208,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Scratch-2","fileId":180486019107,"height":2670,"type":"image","width":4000},"level":[{"id":170822052998,"isPublished":true,"name":"P1","type":"foreignid"},{"id":170822052999,"isPublished":true,"name":"P2","type":"foreignid"},{"id":172335372633,"isPublished":true,"name":"P3","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":0,"tags":[{"id":179997493154,"isPublished":true,"name":"Holiday","type":"foreignid"},{"id":172153304899,"isPublished":true,"name":"Accelerated","type":"foreignid"}],"title":"P101 Scratch 1 (Accelerated)","type":{"createdAt":1720543282860,"createdByUserId":10587375,"id":1,"isHubspotDefined":false,"label":"Coding Lab","labelTranslations":{},"name":"Coding Lab","order":0,"type":"option","updatedAt":1720543282860,"updatedByUserId":10587375}},{"button_link":"","button_text":"REGISTER NOW","category":[{"id":180016218755,"isPublished":true,"name":"Digital Illustration","type":"foreignid"}],"class_format":"Fully physical classes","course_outline":"
Day 1: Digital Drawing Fundamentals
\n- \n
- Introduction and Icebreaker: Get to know your fellow artists. \n
- Digital vs. Traditional: Explore the key differences and advantages of each. \n
- Basic Digitization: Learn essential techniques for converting traditional art to digital. \n
- Hands-On Practice: Create your first character using simple shapes in a digital drawing application. \n
- Historical Context: Discover the evolution of digital drawing. \n
Day 2: Color Theory and Composition
\n- \n
- Color Theory Basics: Understand color relationships and their impact on your art. \n
- Compositional Principles: Explore techniques like rule of thirds, balance, and emphasis. \n
- Drawing Styles: Analyze various styles and experiment with different approaches. \n
- Introduction to 3D Drawing: Get a taste of three-dimensional art concepts. \n
Day 3: Animation and AI-Powered Art
\n- \n
- Character Animation: Bring your creation to life with simple programming techniques. \n
- AI in Art: Explore the potential of artificial intelligence to enhance and transform digital drawing. \n
- Future of Drawing: Discuss emerging trends and possibilities in the field. \n
- Virtual Gallery Showcase: Present your work and celebrate your accomplishments. \n
Key Highlights:
\n- \n
- Creative Exploration: Develop characters, experiment with various digital formats and styles, and discover your unique artistic voice. \n
- Digital Tools Mastery: Learn to use popular online drawing applications and gain experience with animation techniques. \n
- Future of Graphics: Explore cutting-edge technologies like 3D representations and AI-driven solutions. \n
- Showcase Your Work: Present your creations to peers and invite parents to a virtual exhibition. \n
Who is this camp for?
\nStudents interested in digital art without a long-term commitment to formal art education. Aspiring illustrators with existing character concepts seeking guidance and tools. Individuals curious about the visual design or character development aspects of game development. Join us and unleash your creativity in the digital realm!
","duration":"3 x 3 hour lessons ","fees":"$490.50 (Incl. GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1727854636726,"hs_created_by_user_id":64756999,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":179997495137,"hs_initial_published_at":1727863327118,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1728362189949,"hs_updated_by_user_id":69954208,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Image Content-SP-Digital Illustration Workshop","fileId":180307140947,"height":810,"type":"image","width":810},"level":[{"id":172572065715,"isPublished":true,"name":"P4","type":"foreignid"},{"id":172572065716,"isPublished":true,"name":"P5","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":1,"schedule":"Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \nMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday 18 Nov, 19 Nov, 20 Nov | \n2:00pm to 5:00pm | \n
Topics covered include:
\n- \n
- Sources and Forms of Energy \n
- Energy and the Sun \n
- Forces Environmental Interactions \n
- Revision of selected Lower Block Topics \n
- Answering Techniques for Experiment-based Questions \n
As your child prepares for the crucial P6 year, equipping them with a firm grasp of upcoming topics helps to bolster confidence. This programme introduces new concepts in an engaging manner, getting your child thinking by presenting them with scenarios in which they can see the concepts at work. Then, they apply what they have learnt as they work through commonly-asked questions.
\nDedicated handouts for Lower Block topics and experiment-based questions allow your child to revise these fundamentals, ensuring that they are prepared for the year ahead. The Science PSLE Prep programme gives your child a strong headstart for new P6 topics. An investigative question underpins each new topic, linking scientific concepts to real-life scenarios. Hands-on experiments and experiment videos allow your child to witness concepts in action and exposure to commonly-asked questions build up confidence to tackle the new topics. Your child will also recap key answering techniques for experiment-based questions.
","duration":"2 x 3 hours lessons","fees":"$470.88 (w/ GST)[10% off] Bundle (English, Maths, Science): $1271.38 (w/ GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1727855457793,"hs_created_by_user_id":69954208,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":180016202798,"hs_initial_published_at":1727863327118,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1728114305136,"hs_updated_by_user_id":69954208,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Banner-SP-Amazing World of Science","fileId":180295020359,"height":810,"type":"image","width":1920},"level":[{"id":172556979323,"isPublished":true,"name":"P6","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":0,"schedule":"
Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \n\n Wednesday, Friday | \n\n 10:00 am - 1:00 pm \n | \n
United Square | \n\n Tuesday, Thursday | \n|
Rochester Mall | \n\n Thursday, Friday | \n|
JEM | \n\n Monday, Tuesday | \n|
Marine Parade | \n\n Tuesday, Wednesday | \n|
Century Square | \n\n Thursday, Friday | \n
Day 1: Digital Drawing Basics
\n- \n
- Icebreaker: Get to know your fellow artists. \n
- Digital vs. Traditional: Explore the key differences and advantages of digital drawing. Color Theory and Resolutions: Understand the basics of color theory and image resolution. \n
- Historical Context: Discover the evolution of digital drawing. \n
- Krita Introduction: Learn the interface and basic functions of Krita. \n
- Character Creation: Design your first simple characters and explore pixel art techniques. \n
Day 2: Composition and Styles
\n- \n
- Compositional Elements: Understand the principles of composition and how to place elements on the digital canvas. \n
- Patterns and Textures: Create and use patterns and textures to enrich your designs. \n
- Character Environments: Place your characters in various environments. \n
- Style Exploration: Analyze different drawing styles, experiment with various approaches, and discover your own artistic style. \n
Day 3: Typography and Visual Elements
\n- \n
- Typography: Explore different fonts, their properties, and how to bring them to life. \n
- Raster vs. Vector: Understand the differences between raster and vector images. \n
- Visual Elements: Analyze icons, emojis, avatars, and other visual elements found on the web. \n
- Create Your Own: Design your own icons, emojis, or avatars. \n
- Virtual Gallery Showcase: Present your final projects and celebrate your achievements. \n
Key Highlights:
\n- \n
- Creative Exploration: Develop characters, experiment with various digital formats and styles, and discover your unique artistic voice. \n
- Krita Mastery: Learn to use the popular free drawing software, Krita, and its powerful features. \n
- Animation Techniques: Bring your characters to life using simple programming with Scoolcode. \n
- Future of Graphics: Explore cutting-edge technologies like 3D representations and AI-driven solutions. \n
- Showcase Your Work: Present your creations to peers and invite parents to a virtual exhibition. \n
Who is this camp for?
\nStudents interested in digital art without a long-term commitment to formal art education. Aspiring illustrators with existing character concepts seeking guidance and tools. Individuals curious about the visual design or character development aspects of game development. Students who have previously participated in our Digital Illustration camp and wish to deepen their skills. Join us and embark on a journey of artistic discovery!
","duration":"3 x 3 hours lessons ","fees":"$490.50 (Incl. GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1727856471277,"hs_created_by_user_id":64756999,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":180016220715,"hs_initial_published_at":1727863327118,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1728362196774,"hs_updated_by_user_id":69954208,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Image Content-SP-Digital Illustration Workshop","fileId":180307140947,"height":810,"type":"image","width":810},"level":[{"id":172556979323,"isPublished":true,"name":"P6","type":"foreignid"},{"id":172981847955,"isPublished":true,"name":"SEC1","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":1,"schedule":"Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \nWednesday, Thursday, Friday 18 Dec, 19 Dec, 20 Dec | \n2:00pm to 5:00pm | \n
Day 1: Introduction to AI
\n- \n
- Icebreaker: Get to know your fellow artists. \n
- AI Fundamentals: Learn about the concept of artificial intelligence and its applications. \n
- Generative AI: Explore the basics of generative AI, focusing on text and image generation. \n
- Hands-On Activities: Try out some basic generative AI tools. \n
Day 2: Image Generation Techniques
\n- \n
- Image Manipulation: Learn advanced techniques like image segmentation, upscaling, and modification. \n
- Pattern Creation: Create patterns using generative AI. \n
- Optical Illusions: Generate mind-bending optical illusions. \n
- Character Consistency: Understand how to maintain consistency in character creation for storytelling. \n
Day 3: Audiovisual Generation
\n- \n
- Animation: Create animations using generative AI tools. \n
- Voice and Music: Generate voices, music, and songs. \n
- AI Avatars: Explore the use of AI avatars. \n
- YouTube Short Challenge: Create a YouTube Short in under five minutes.
Key Highlights:
\n- \n
- Comprehensive Understanding: Gain a clear understanding of generative AI concepts and their applications. \n
- Hands-On Experience: Experiment with various generative AI tools and create your own projects. \n
- Curiosity Nurtured: Develop a lifelong passion for learning and exploring new technologies. \n
- Positive Approach: Foster a positive and informed perspective on the ethical implications of AI. \n
Who is this camp for?
\nAnyone interested in AI or basic computer science concepts in a fun and engaging way. Young minds curious about the future of technology and its potential impact.
","duration":"3 x 3 hour lessons ","fees":"$490.50 (Incl. GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1727858082346,"hs_created_by_user_id":64756999,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":180016220720,"hs_initial_published_at":1727863327118,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1728114521967,"hs_updated_by_user_id":69954208,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Banner-SP-Generative A.I. Workshop","fileId":180229092989,"height":810,"type":"image","width":1920},"level":[{"id":172572065715,"isPublished":true,"name":"P4","type":"foreignid"},{"id":172572065716,"isPublished":true,"name":"P5","type":"foreignid"},{"id":172556979323,"isPublished":true,"name":"P6","type":"foreignid"},{"id":172981847955,"isPublished":true,"name":"SEC1","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":1,"schedule":"Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
\n United Square \nP4 - P5 \n | \nWednesday, Thursday, Friday 11 Dec, 12 Dec, 13 Dec | \n2:00pm to 5:00pm | \n
\n United Square \nP6 - S1 \n | \nMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday 25 Nov, 26 Nov, 27 Nov | \n2:00pm to 5:00pm | \n
Session 1:
- \n
- Introduction to foreshadowing, twist and introductory phrases \n
- Focus on how to brainstorm for compositions by using decision trees \n
- \n
- Introduction to similes, metaphors and personification \n
- Focus on perfecting your writing
- \n
- Focus on writing a composition \n
- Consolidate your knowledge of literary techniques and devices learnt
Through the use of vivid and exam-relevant examples, your child will better understand how to apply the literary techniques and devices taught to their writing. Your child will also learn how to critique a piece of writing and improve on it. On top of that, your child will have the opportunity to be exposed to TLL's in-house methods for brainstorming to better engage readers with interesting plots.
\nThis programme focuses on honing the skills of students who have a good foundation in writing. By applying these literary techniques and devices appropriately to their writing, your child will not only gain an edge but also develop greater appreciation for the language.
","duration":"3 x 2 hours lessons","fees":"$470.88 (w/ GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1727858486958,"hs_created_by_user_id":69954208,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":180017761439,"hs_initial_published_at":1727863327118,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1728114529267,"hs_updated_by_user_id":69954208,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Banner-SP-Writing to Engage and Excite","fileId":180306761547,"height":810,"type":"image","width":1920},"level":[{"id":172572065716,"isPublished":true,"name":"P5","type":"foreignid"},{"id":172556979323,"isPublished":true,"name":"P6","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":1,"schedule":"Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \n\n Wednesday to Friday | \n\n 10:00 am - 12:00 pm \n | \n
Session 1:
- \n
- Understanding the importance of verbal and non-verbal cues \n
- Learning how to prepare for their presentations \n
- Preparing a presentation about yourself \n
- \n
- Perfecting your presentation skills and etiquette \n
- Understanding the different tones for presentations \n
- Learning how to engage your audience \n
This programme will teach your child the skills needed to present with confidence and flair. This programme will cover key presentation and research skills that he or she can apply for all their future presentations. In addition, your child will have the opportunity to present on three different topics and receive feedback from the teacher as well as his or her peers. The skills your child learns from this programme will come in handy for their preparation for the DSA interview and will give your child the confidence to craft authentic interview responses.
The skills taught in this programme are not only great for interviews and presentations, but they are also applicable to class presentations, university applications, scholarship applications and the corporate world!
Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \n\n Tuesday, Wednesday | \n\n 10:00 am - 1:00 pm \n | \n
United Square | \n\n Thursday, Friday | \n
Highlights of the programme include:
\n- \n
- Learn the key concepts and techniques of new topics covered in P5 \n
- Build an early foundation in the fundamental knowledge \n
- Fun games are incorporated to make the learning of new topics fun and to reinforce understanding \n
Topics covered include:
\n- \n
- Area of Triangles \n
- Geometry \n
- Volume \n
- Percentage \n
The P5 Strong Start for Academic Success in Math programme provides your child with a substantial head start for the new challenges in Primary 5 in the form of new topics and concepts. Your child will learn the fundamentals of each topic and get to try out basic short-answer questions as well as simple word problems. Students will learn useful strategies such as application of efficient problem solving methods and checking techniques to spot and correct errors.
\n*Students need to bring calculators for this programme.
","duration":"2 x 3 hours lessons","fees":"$470.88 (w/ GST)[10% off] Bundle (English, Maths, Science): $1271.38 (w/ GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1727860904227,"hs_created_by_user_id":69954208,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":180018473395,"hs_initial_published_at":1727863327118,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1728114545743,"hs_updated_by_user_id":69954208,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Banner-SP-Strong Start for Academic Success in Maths","fileId":180306214529,"height":810,"type":"image","width":1920},"level":[{"id":172572065716,"isPublished":true,"name":"P5","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":1,"schedule":"
Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \n\n Wednesday, Thursday | \n\n 10:00 am - 1:00 pm \n | \n
Highlights of the programme include:
\n- \n
- Learn the key concepts and techniques of new topics covered in P6 \n
- Hone question analysis skills and apply efficient answering techniques \n
- Develop error analysis skills to check for errors \n
Topics covered include:
\n- \n
- Algebra \n
- Circles \n
- Pie Charts \n
- Speed \n
The P6 Strong Start for Academic Success in Math programme provides your child with a substantial headstart for a couple of new topics that will be introduced in Primary 6. The programme provides students with a comprehensive revision of common Managing Word Problems concepts that comprise a significant percentage of the PSLE. Your child will be exposed to noteworthy questions from past PSLE papers. Your child will also analyse problems to identity concepts, apply efficient problem solving methods to solve problems and learn how to check for errors.
\n*Students need to bring calculators for this programme.
","duration":"2 x 3 hours lessons","fees":"$470.88 (w/ GST)[10% off] Bundle (English, Maths, Science): $1271.38 (w/ GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1727857340930,"hs_created_by_user_id":69954208,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":180017140009,"hs_initial_published_at":1727863327118,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1728114776684,"hs_updated_by_user_id":69954208,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Banner-SP-Strong Start for Academic Success in Maths","fileId":180306214529,"height":810,"type":"image","width":1920},"level":[{"id":172556979323,"isPublished":true,"name":"P6","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":1,"schedule":"
Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \n\n Monday, Tuesday | \n\n 10:00 am - 1:00 pm \n | \n
United Square | \n\n Monday | \n|
Rochester Mall | \n\n Tuesday, Wednesday | \n|
JEM | \n\n Tuesday, Wednesday | \n|
Marine Parade | \n\n Tuesday, Wednesday | \n|
Century Square | \n\n Thursday, Friday | \n
- \n
- Electrical System \n
- Air and Living Things (Circulatory system) \n
- Water and Changes of State \n
- Reproduction in Plants \n
- Selected Lower Block Topics (Human Body Systems, Plant System, Matter, Heat) \n
As your child advances to Primary 5, it is important to establish a strong foundation in the upcoming topics to bolster confidence. This program introduces your child to key concepts from selected Primary 5 topics by presenting them with interesting real-life scenarios where they can see the concepts at work.
\nDedicated handouts on lower block topics are also provided for your child to revise the fundamentals, ensuring that they are well-prepared for the year ahead. This programme gives your child a strong headstart in selected P5 topics. Each topic is introduced with an investigative question that encourages your child to think critically about the science behind a specific real-world phenomenon. Hands-on activities are also conducted for your child to witness concepts in action and foster a deeper understanding of the new topics.
","duration":"2 x 3 hours lessons","fees":"$470.88 (w/ GST)[10% off] Bundle (English, Maths, Science): $1271.38 (w/ GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1727862327872,"hs_created_by_user_id":69954208,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":180016230788,"hs_initial_published_at":1727863327118,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1728114764281,"hs_updated_by_user_id":69954208,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Banner-SP-Amazing World of Science","fileId":180295020359,"height":810,"type":"image","width":1920},"level":[{"id":172572065716,"isPublished":true,"name":"P5","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":1,"schedule":"
Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \n\n Monday | \n\n 10:00 am - 1:00 pm \n | \n
Topics covered include:
\n- \n
- Sources and Forms of Energy \n
- Energy and the Sun \n
- Forces Environmental Interactions \n
- Revision of selected Lower Block Topics \n
- Answering Techniques for Experiment-based Questions \n
As your child prepares for the crucial P6 year, equipping them with a firm grasp of upcoming topics helps to bolster confidence. This programme introduces new concepts in an engaging manner, getting your child thinking by presenting them with scenarios in which they can see the concepts at work. Then, they apply what they have learnt as they work through commonly-asked questions.
\nDedicated handouts for Lower Block topics and experiment-based questions allow your child to revise these fundamentals, ensuring that they are prepared for the year ahead. The Science PSLE Prep programme gives your child a strong headstart for new P6 topics. An investigative question underpins each new topic, linking scientific concepts to real-life scenarios. Hands-on experiments and experiment videos allow your child to witness concepts in action and exposure to commonly-asked questions build up confidence to tackle the new topics. Your child will also recap key answering techniques for experiment-based questions.
","duration":"2 x 3 hours lessons","fees":"$470.88 (w/ GST)[10% off] Bundle (English, Maths, Science): $1271.38 (w/ GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1727856882497,"hs_created_by_user_id":69954208,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":180016406645,"hs_initial_published_at":1727863327118,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1728114592407,"hs_updated_by_user_id":69954208,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Banner-SP-Amazing World of Science","fileId":180295020359,"height":810,"type":"image","width":1920},"level":[{"id":172556979323,"isPublished":true,"name":"P6","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":1,"schedule":"
Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \n\n Wednesday, Friday | \n\n 10:00 am - 1:00 pm \n | \n
United Square | \n\n Tuesday, Thursday | \n|
Rochester Mall | \n\n Thursday, Friday | \n|
JEM | \n\n Monday, Tuesday | \n|
Marine Parade | \n\n Tuesday, Wednesday | \n|
Century Square | \n\n Thursday, Friday | \n
- \n
- Apply clue sourcing appropriately through guided steps \n
- Apply techniques that prevent you from losing marks \n
- Structure answers to ensure question requirements are met \n
- \n
- Identify what examiners are looking for \n
- Apply a variety of writing techniques that make your stories more unusual and engaging (important for scoring on higher bands) \n
- Brainstorm for plot ideas \n
- Editing a piece of writing
- \n
- Identify intermediate grammar rules \n
- Tackle challenging questions
- \n
- Identify intermediate synthesis and transformation rules \n
- Tackle challenging questions \n
Your child will be exposed to skills-based modules for Composition and Comprehension and practices for Grammar and Synthesis and Transformation. This is an ideal programme for students who will like to get a head start in Primary 5 and identify key areas they will like to work on in preparation for the new academic year.
\nThe course will go through key exam skills and students will learn how to apply the different exam techniques taught. During the lesson, students will learn the right versus the wrong ways of clue sourcing in order to address question requirements. Students will also be exposed to high quality writing samples to give them a chance to learn from models of good writing, which are used to highlight key skills to improve their writing.
\nIn addition, students will learn techniques that will help them ace the Synthesis and Transformation section of the exam paper and how to apply the elimination technique in order to do well for the Grammar multiple choice section.
","duration":"2 x 3 hours lessons","fees":"$470.88 (w/ GST)[10% off] Bundle (English, Maths, Science): $1271.38 (w/ GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1727862546186,"hs_created_by_user_id":69954208,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":180018473539,"hs_initial_published_at":1727863327118,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1728114741165,"hs_updated_by_user_id":69954208,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Banner-SP-Strong Start for Academic Success in English","fileId":180306214215,"height":810,"type":"image","width":1920},"level":[{"id":172572065716,"isPublished":true,"name":"P5","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":1,"schedule":"
Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \n\n Tuesday, Wednesday | \n\n 10:00 am - 1:00 pm \n | \n
\n- \n
- Apply clue sourcing appropriately through guided steps \n
- Apply techniques that prevent you from losing marks \n
- Structure answers to ensure question requirements are met
- \n
- Identify what examiners are looking for \n
- Apply a variety of writing techniques that make your stories more unusual and engaging (important for scoring on higher bands) \n
- Brainstorm for plot ideas \n
- Editing a piece of writing
- \n
- Identify intermediate grammar rules \n
- Tackle challenging questions
Synthesis and Transformation
- \n
- Identify intermediate synthesis and transformation rules \n
- Tackle challenging questions
Your child will be exposed to skills-based modules for Composition and Comprehension and practices for Grammar and Synthesis and Transformation. This is an ideal programme for students who will like to get a head start in Primary 6 and identify key areas they will like to work on in preparation for the new academic year.
\nThe course will go through key exam skills and students will learn how to apply the different exam techniques taught. During the lesson, students will learn the right versus the wrong ways of clue sourcing in order to address question requirements. Students will also be exposed to high quality writing samples to give them a chance to learn from models of good writing, which are used to highlight key skills to improve their writing.
\nIn addition, students will learn techniques that will help them ace the Synthesis and Transformation section of the exam paper and how to apply the elimination technique in order to do well for the Grammar multiple choice section.
","duration":"2 x 3 hours lessons","fees":"$470.88 (w/ GST)[10% off] Bundle (English, Maths, Science): $1271.38 (w/ GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1727857508343,"hs_created_by_user_id":69954208,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":180017140010,"hs_initial_published_at":1727863327118,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1728114750146,"hs_updated_by_user_id":69954208,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Banner-SP-Strong Start for Academic Success in English","fileId":180306214215,"height":810,"type":"image","width":1920},"level":[{"id":172556979323,"isPublished":true,"name":"P6","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":1,"schedule":"
Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \n\n Monday | \n\n 10:00 am - 1:00 pm \n | \n
United Square | \n\n Thursday, Friday | \n|
Rochester Mall | \n\n Thursday, Friday | \n|
JEM | \n\n Thursday, Friday | \n|
Marine Parade | \n\n Wednesday, Friday | \n|
Century Square | \n\n Wednesday, Friday | \n
Financial Psychology:
\n- \n
- Recognize how culture, upbringing and environment influence our perspective of money. \n
- Understand how lifestyle choices influence our decision-making
\n- \n
- Sources of income: Employment, Self-Employment, Business Owner and Investor \n
- Types of income: Salary, Fees, Profits, Dividends, Fixed and Variable, Regular or Irregular \n
- Learn what it takes to earn the different sources of income and how it may affect daily life \n
Spending & Budgeting:
\n- \n
- Differentiate between Needs and Wants \n
- Establish a budget for Savings, Needs and Wants \n
- The concept of Opportunity Cost / Trade-offs \n
- Delayed gratification Importance of tracking expenses \n
- Set a SMART financial goal
\n- \n
- Explore reasons why people save money \n
- Concept of \"Pay Yourself First\" \n
- Explore factors that influence saving habits and attitudes \n
- Power of compounding effect \n
Risk Management:
\n- \n
- Understanding the different types of risk \n
- Risk vs Risky \n
- How to mitigate risk \n
World of Finance:
\n- \n
- Role of government and banks \n
- How does money flow in the economy \n
- Interest - friend or foe \n
- \n
- Financial Psychology: \"My Lifestyle\". Students learn the \"value\" of money can vary depending on culture, priorities and lifestyle choices \n
- Income: \"Show me the Money\". Students learn four different sources of income and experience earning them. \n
- Budgeting: \"The Party Planner\". Your child will embark on a fun journey to create and manage a budget for a Birthday Party. \n
- Savings: \"Savings Influencer.\" Explore factors that influence saving habits and attitudes \n
- Risk Management: \"Risk Detective\". Identify potential risks in daily life and how to mitigate them \n
- World of Finance: \"Trace my Money\". Student learn where their money flows to when they save and spend \n
Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
\n United Square \n | \nThursday, Friday 28 Nov, 29 Nov | \n\n 9:00am to 5:00pm \n*1 hr lunch break from 12:00pm to 1:00pm \n | \n
Financial Psychology:
\n- \n
- Recognize how money mindsets and emotions, such as FOMO, peer pressure and impulse, can influence how we use money. \n
- Understand the difference between Needs and Wants, choosing between instant or delayed gratification.
Budgeting Basics:
\n- \n
- Learn about the components of a budget - Sources of income, Fixed and Variable expenses and paying ourselves first. \n
- Practice creating a personal budget and identifying spending patterns. \n
Savings and Compound Interest:
\n- \n
- Understand the purpose of savings as related to emergencies and lifestyle goals. Leverage compound interest to make our savings \"work for us.\" and reinforce the power of compounding over time. \n
Basics of Investing:
\n- \n
- Introduction to types of investment (Stocks, Bonds, ETFs), their potential risk and reward and the importance of diversification. \n
Income and Career Exploration:
\n- \n
- Learn about the difference between employment and self-employment. \n
- Identify how education, skills and experience relate to different careers and earning potential. \n
Introduction to Entrepreneurship:
\n- \n
- Learn the basics of Entrepreneurship. \n
- Characteristics of successful entrepreneurs. \n
Understanding Credit, Debt and Loans:
\n- \n
- Recognize the types of loans - from credit cards to mortgage loans. \n
- Understand the responsibilities of borrowing and how compounding interest works against us when it comes to borrowing. \n
Risk Management & Insurance:
\n- \n
- Learn about financial risk, cyber security risk and risk management. \n
- Introduction to how insurance works and how it can help with risk mitigation \n
Personal Financial Planning:
\n- \n
- Learn the components of a financial plan and apply all the topics learned into setting a short-term and a long-term goal \n
- \n
- Financial Psychology: Through a money mindset quiz, students learn and recognize how different money mindsets and emotions impact financial decisions \n
- Budgeting Basics: Play the \"Budget Challenge\" and learn how to create and manage a budget based on different scenarios. Understanding the importance of balancing income and expenses \n
- Savings and Compound Interest: Explore reasons for saving and, using different saving scenarios, see the wonders of compound interest over time. \n
- Basics of Investing: Through a debate, your child will be introduced to various types of investments and their associated risks and rewards \n
- Income and Career Exploration: \"Singapore Career Fair.\" In groups, students will choose a career that matches their interests and strengths and set up a \"career booth\" to introduce their chosen career. \n
- Introduction to Entrepreneurship: Shark Tank: Junior Edition. Create and pitch a business plan and learn the fundamentals of starting and running a business. \n
- Understanding Credit, Debt, and Loans: Learn the different types of credit, principles of responsible borrowing and the long-term impact of debt \n
- Risk Management and Insurance: Play the \"Risk it or Insure It\" game to explore the concept of financial risk and the importance of insurance in protecting financial assets \n
- Personal Financial Planning: Create a \"life road map\" to visualise your financial future. Develop a strategy to manage their money to achieve short-term & long-term financial goals \n
Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
\n United Square \n | \nMonday, Tues 18 Nov, 19 Nov | \n\n 9:00am to 5:00pm \n*1 hr lunch break from 12:00pm to 1:00pm \n | \n
Session 1
- \n
- Generating plot ideas \n
- Writing from different points of view \n
- Analysing a book character \n
- Creating a character \n
- \n
- Using literary devices to enhance a story \n
- Using a range of literary techniques to flesh out your story \n
- Analysing different points of views in a story \n
- Learning the different genres of books \n
Your child will learn to describe people, places and feelings in interesting ways. The course will utilise images and writing prompts to engage your child in class and help get their creative juices flowing.
\nWhile not intended as examination preparation, Creative Writing is designed to teach students the fundamentals of good story writing. This includes having a good plot with a climax, as well as using literary devices to add interest to their stories. Students get to write around their favourite genre, which will help motivate them to write.
To introduce students to the fundamentals of creative writing, the course will cover the following elements:
- \n
- Brainstorming creative plot ideas \n
- Developing fun and interesting characters \n
- Exploring one's imagination and creative expression \n
- Analysing extracts from children's stories \n
- Writing a story using creative writing prompts \n
- Using different points of view \n
- Literary devices and appropriate parts of speech to enhance their writing \n
","duration":"2 x 3 hours lessons","fees":"$431.64(w/ GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1727863684007,"hs_created_by_user_id":69954208,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":180016230912,"hs_initial_published_at":1727865873449,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1728114816354,"hs_updated_by_user_id":69954208,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Banner-SP-Creative Writing","fileId":180298033773,"height":810,"type":"image","width":1920},"level":[{"id":172335372633,"isPublished":true,"name":"P3","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":1,"schedule":"
Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \n\n Monday | \n\n 10:00 am - 1:00 pm \n | \n
Session 1
- \n
- What is narrative writing? \n
- What are some genres of narrative writing? \n
- Science-fiction Versus Fantasy \n
- What is science fiction? \n
- Exploring setting, characters and plots in science-fiction stories Analysing extracts from famous science-fiction stories
- \n
- Writing your own science-fiction story \n
- Creating a protagonist using character profiles \n
- Crafting the setting using five-senses description \n
Your child will learn to describe people, places and feelings in interesting ways. The course will utilise story extracts to engage your child in class and help him or her to learn better.
While not intended as examination preparation, Creative Writing is designed to teach students the fundamentals of good story writing. This includes having a good plot with a climax, as well as using literary devices to add interest to their stories. Students get to write around their favourite genre, which will help motivate them to write.
Focusing on the science fiction genre, the course will cover the following elements:
- \n
- Learning about the features of a science fiction story \n
- Analysing extracts from famous science fiction stories \n
- Using one's imagination and creativity to brainstorm creative science fiction ideas \n
- Developing fun and unique characters for a science fiction story \n
- Writing a story using creative writing prompts \n
Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \n\n Thursday, Friday | \n\n 10:00 am - 1:00 pm \n | \n
This programme features a series of fun-filled activities designed to promote critical thinking, develop essential science process skills, and sharpen analytical abilities.
\nThese skills will provide a strong foundation and an early advantage as your child embarks on an exciting journey in Science.
\nComponents covered include:
\n- \n
- Analysing flowcharts, classification charts, tables and graphs \n
- Experimental design (variables, aims) \n
- Answering techniques for common free response questions and multiple choice questions \n
As students enter Primary 3 and learn Science for the first time, many may struggle with reading graphs, interpreting tables, and analyzing flowcharts. A strong understanding of these skills will boost your child's confidence and enable them to focus on mastering Science content.
","duration":"2 x 2 hours lessons","fees":"$287.76(w/ GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1727864332445,"hs_created_by_user_id":69954208,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":180016230929,"hs_initial_published_at":1727865873449,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1728114855033,"hs_updated_by_user_id":69954208,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Banner-SP-Strong Start for Academic Success in Science","fileId":180288608441,"height":810,"type":"image","width":1920},"level":[{"id":172335372633,"isPublished":true,"name":"P3","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":1,"schedule":"Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \n\n Monday, Tuesday | \n\n 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm \n | \n
United Square | \n\n \n Monday, Wednesday | \n
Financial Psychology:
\n- \n
- Learn about behavioral economics, common cognitive biases that impact financial decision-making. \n
- Characteristics of a growth mindset vs fixed mindset in finance
Budgeting Strategies:
\n- \n
- Learn about the components of a budget - Fixed and Variable income and expenses, and to pay ourselves first. \n
- Learn different ways of budgeting and their pros and cons. \n
- Introduction to basic tax concepts (GST, Income Tax)
Savings Strategies and Compound Interest:
\n- \n
- Introduction to \"high-yield\" savings accounts and Singapore Savings Bonds \n
- How does inflation erode our purchasing power over time \n
- How does compound interest make our savings \"work for us.\" \n
\n- \n
- Learn about asset allocation and diversification \n
- Identify risk tolerance and analyse how to optimize return for a given level of risk \n
- Introduction to market indices, ETFs and index investing in Singapore and its advantages \n
- Brief overview of how dividends are taxed in Singapore \n
Career planning in the Modern Economy:
\n- \n
- Identify and analyze growing industries in Singapore \n
- Research the education, skills and experience requirements to enter into the particular industry \n
- Learn about some of the standard employee compensation and benefits \n
- Understand the importance of networking, continuous learning and upskilling to stay relevant. \n
Entrepreneurship and the Gig Economy:
\n- \n
- Learn the different business structures in Singapore, and it's Pros and Cons \n
- Basic business planning: Value Proposition, Target Market, Revenue Model, Marketing Strategy \n
- Understand what the Gig Economy and some popular gig platforms in Singapore. \n
- Evaluate the pros and cons of the Gig Economy and balancing side gigs with other commitments. \n
Credit & Debt Management:
\n- \n
- Learn how Credit scores work in Singapore and the factors affecting it \n
- Understand the importance of credit scores and their impact on personal finance. \n
- Credit cards - it's function, features and responsible usage \n
- Analyze the Pros and Cons of different Debt repayment strategies \n
Risk Management & Insurance:
\n- \n
- Differentiate between various types of insurance \n
- Evaluate different insurance needs for different life stages \n
- Compare the benefits and costs of having or not having insurance and the risks associated with it \n
Digital World of Finance:
\n- \n
- Digital banking landscape \n
- Cybersecurity best practices for personal finance \n
- Basic cryptocurrency concepts and regulation in Singapore \n
- \n
- Financial Psychology — Let's play \"Bias Busters\". In groups, identify cognitive biases from real-world scenarios and suggest how to overcome them \n
- Budgeting Strategies — \"Budget Challenge\". Create a detailed budget based on simulated scenarios. Students will apply what they learned to test their adaptability to unexpected expenses \n
- Savings Strategies — \"Savings Strategy Showdown\" In teams, create a savings plan using a combination of savings vehicles for different scenarios. \n
- Investing — \"Market movers\". In teams, create an investment portfolio based on different risk assessments \n
- Career Planning — \"Future-Proof My Career\". Each group will research an emerging industry in Singapore and create a career plan, including Education, skills, career progression and staying relevant \n
- Welcome to the Gig Economy — \"Side Hustle Hackathon\". In groups, students will brainstorm and develop a side gig or small business idea to pitch their idea to the class \n
- Credit & Debt Management — \"Credit Conquerors\". Navigate through various financial scenarios and evaluate how their decisions impact their credit scores \n
- Risk Management and Insurance — In groups, discuss the cost and benefits of having or not having insurance and prioritizing coverage with a limited budget \n
- Digital World of Finance — \"Cybersecurity Challenge\". Identify scams and cybersecurity risks. Suggest appropriate security measures \n
Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
\n United Square \n | \nMonday, Tuesday 16 Dec, 17 Dec | \n\n 9:00am to 5:00pm \n*1 hr lunch break from 12:00pm to 1:00pm \n | \n
We have designed a curriculum that introduces computational thinking at an age-appropriate level. After mastering the basics of Scratch, we encourage our students to explore the limits of their imagination. They’ll be tasked with their first-ever hackathon, where they have to put together characters and functions to create games, stories or animations of their choice.
","duration":"2 x 6 hour lessons(including 1-hour lunch break)","fees":"
Early Bird Discount (14 days before programme commences): $502.22
Regular Fee: $528.65","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1727864671913,"hs_created_by_user_id":66473057,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":180016230941,"hs_initial_published_at":1727865873449,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1735880239041,"hs_updated_by_user_id":69954208,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Banner-Special-Programmes-CodingLab-App-Scratch-01-2daycamp","fileId":180307988118,"height":810,"type":"image","width":1920},"level":[{"id":170822052998,"isPublished":true,"name":"P1","type":"foreignid"},{"id":170822052999,"isPublished":true,"name":"P2","type":"foreignid"},{"id":172335372633,"isPublished":true,"name":"P3","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":0,"tags":[{"id":172153304900,"isPublished":true,"name":"Holiday Camps","type":"foreignid"}],"title":"P101 Scratch 1 (2 Day Camp)","type":{"createdAt":1720543282860,"createdByUserId":10587375,"id":1,"isHubspotDefined":false,"label":"Coding Lab","labelTranslations":{},"name":"Coding Lab","order":0,"type":"option","updatedAt":1720543282860,"updatedByUserId":10587375}},{"button_link":"","button_text":"REGISTER NOW","category":[{"id":180020580662,"isPublished":true,"name":"P2 Advanced Achievers Workshop","type":"foreignid"}],"class_format":"Fully physical classes","course_outline":"
English Language Components and Skills
- \n
- Comprehension MCQ: specialist guidance on question analysis, close reading, clue-sourcing and answering techniques \n
- Vocabulary MCQ: exposure to a comprehensive range of vocabulary \n
- Cloze Passage: contextual analysis and answer precision techniques \n
- General Ability: homographs, anagrams, analogies and word puzzles \n
Mathematics Topics
- \n
- Arithmetic: number sense and four operations \n
- Geometry: properties of polygons, shapes within shapes \n
- Measurement: gaps and intervals, mass, set \n
Critical Thinking components
- \n
- Number Patterns: number sequences, number puzzles \n
- Figure Patterns: rotational/symmetrical/inverted patterns \n
- Logic: relationship in pairs, matrix puzzles \n
- Spatial Sense: solid figures, nets, folding questions
Having strong reading comprehension skills and a rich vocabulary helps English students stand out from the crowd. Primary 2 students will learn how to analyse comprehension and cloze passages that expose them to interesting stories and real-world topics, and be equipped with answering techniques. Challenging vocabulary questions and fun word puzzles will expand their vocabulary and hone their logical reasoning skills.
For Mathematics, Primary 2 students will be exposed to different types of non-routine problems which include familiar concepts such as arithmetic, patterns and measurement. The critical thinking questions aim to boost their higher-level logical thinking and reasoning skills. This programme is also aimed at challenging students to achieve their full potential by tackling topics which require a strong ability to visualise diagrams. They will be taught how to analyse questions of high complexity and apply creative problem-solving methods to achieve efficiency.
Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \n\n Monday, 25 Nov (English Session 1) | \n\n 10:00 am - 12:00 pm \n | \n
United Square | \n\n \n Tuesday, 17 Dec (Maths Session 1) | \n\n 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm \n | \n
Essentials of Effective Communication:
\n- \n
- Your teen will learn to adapt their communication style to different audiences and practice active listening for mutual understanding. They will also learn about the three core elements of having successful one-on-one conversations.
Decrypting Verbal Cues:
\n- \n
- Your teen will develop the ability to interpret tone, pitch, and word choice, enabling them to grasp the meaning behind spoken messages. Experiential activities such as \"Tone Detective\" and \"Subtext Scenarios,\" will provide hands-on practice in applying these skills. Your teen will also participate in immersive exercises that simulate real-world conversations. \n
Decoding Non-Verbal Cues:
\n- \n
- Your teen will master the art of interpreting body language, facial expressions, and gestures to gain deeper insights into others' thoughts and emotions. The \"Non-Verbal Navigation Challenge\" and \"Body Language Lab,\" will allow them to practice responding to social situations using their sharpened observation skills. \n
Empathy & Emotional Intelligence:
\n- \n
- Your teen will cultivate the capacity to understand and share the feelings of others through the \"Emotion Wheel Roulette\", where they practice identifying a range of emotions to build their emotional vocabulary and awareness. \n
Negotiation and Conflict Management:
\n- \n
- Through role-playing, teens will practice applying emotional intelligence techniques to resolve conflicts effectively. They'll learn the art of compromise, practice assertive communication, and develop skills in de-escalating tense situations. \n
Interviews and Presentations:
\n- \n
- Your teen will gain confidence in formal communication settings through the \"Interview Hotseat,\" and the \"TED Tok\" Presentation where they will practice crafting compelling presentations and thinking on their feet during Q&A sessions. These experiences will equip them with the skills needed for academic presentations, job interviews, and other communication scenarios in their future. \n
Authentic Communication and Synergistic Collaboration:
\n- \n
- Through Mastering Expressions' Discover ME Process, your teen will embark on a self-discovery journey with guided reflection to uncover their unique strengths. They will practice integrating diverse perspectives to achieve common goals, preparing them for success in team environments. \n
This workshop helps teens transform online fluency into effective in-person communication. Through fun, interactive sessions like role-playing and discussions, participants will learn to read social cues, express themselves confidently, and build stronger connections, preparing them for real-world scenarios such as interviews and group projects.
","duration":"2 x 8 hour lessons ","fees":"$381.50 (Incl. GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1727884177776,"hs_created_by_user_id":64756999,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":180051871409,"hs_initial_published_at":1727884948292,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1728395829791,"hs_updated_by_user_id":64756999,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Banner-SP-Mastering Expressions Beyond Academics","fileId":180229655353,"height":810,"type":"image","width":1920},"level":[{"id":172981847956,"isPublished":true,"name":"SEC3","type":"foreignid"},{"id":172981847957,"isPublished":true,"name":"SEC4","type":"foreignid"},{"id":172981847958,"isPublished":true,"name":"JC1","type":"foreignid"},{"id":172981847959,"isPublished":true,"name":"JC2","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":1,"schedule":"Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
\n United Square \n | \nMonday, Tues 2 Dec, 3 Dec | \n\n 9:00am to 5:00pm \n*1 hr lunch break from 12:00pm to 1:00pm \n | \n
Scratch 2 is a natural progression for students to hone their skills from Scratch 1. Your child will be able to reiterate concepts with more challenging activities (practice makes perfect!) and realise their childhood dreams of building the coolest game or exciting blockbuster-like animation.
","duration":"2 x 6 hour lessons(including 1-hour lunch break)","fees":"
Early Bird Discount (14 days before programme commences): $533.28
Regular Fee: $561.35","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1727922191386,"hs_created_by_user_id":66473057,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":180105298865,"hs_initial_published_at":1727926392819,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1735880244418,"hs_updated_by_user_id":69954208,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Banner-Special-Programmes-CodingLab-App-Scratch-02-2daycamp","fileId":180308767333,"height":810,"type":"image","width":1920},"level":[{"id":170822052998,"isPublished":true,"name":"P1","type":"foreignid"},{"id":170822052999,"isPublished":true,"name":"P2","type":"foreignid"},{"id":172335372633,"isPublished":true,"name":"P3","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":0,"start_date":1721606400000,"tags":[{"id":172153304900,"isPublished":true,"name":"Holiday Camps","type":"foreignid"}],"title":"P102 Scratch 2 (2 Day Camp)","type":{"createdAt":1720543282860,"createdByUserId":10587375,"id":1,"isHubspotDefined":false,"label":"Coding Lab","labelTranslations":{},"name":"Coding Lab","order":0,"type":"option","updatedAt":1720543282860,"updatedByUserId":10587375}},{"class_format":"Fully physical classes","description":"
Scratch 2 is a natural progression for students to hone their skills from Scratch 1. Your child will be able to reiterate concepts with more challenging activities (practice makes perfect!) and realise their childhood dreams of building the coolest game or exciting blockbuster-like animation.
","duration":"4 x 2.5 hour lessons","fees":"Early Bird Discount (14 days before programme commences): $$481.51
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(including 1-hour lunch break)","fees":"
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The Advanced Computer Scientists programme develops students to the next level of programming. Students will now deep dive into app creation for both iOs and Android, develop the maker in them with our extensive micro:bit curriculum, and model advanced concepts across syntax-based programming to create tangible, real-world products.
","duration":"4 x 2.5 hour lessons","fees":"Early Bird Discount (14 days before programme commences): $491.86
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Session 1
- \n
- Introduction to poems \n
- Understanding the elements of characterisation \n
- Analysing examples of characterisation from Roald Dahl's poems \n
- Creative expression of ideas gleaned from the texts (illustrating characters and important objects in a story)
Session 2
- \n
- Analysing character traits \n
- Understanding the theme of an excerpt from one of Roald Dahl's books
- Creative expression of ideas gleaned from the texts (craft an encouraging card to a friend based on the theme studied, craft a poster based on a company from one of the excerpts, create a new book character after studying the character traits of the magical creatures in Roald Dahl's books) \n
Engage your child in stories by beloved children's author Roald Dahl.
During the programme, students will be reading exerpts from a few of Roald Dahl's famous works. The course will cover the follow elements:
- \n
- Exploring the different points of view of the characters in the poems and books \n
- Analysing the traits of the characters that they encounter in the books \n
- Exploring one's imagination and creative expression \n
- Analysing extracts from children's stories \n
Dirty Beasts, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Witches, The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me.","duration":"2 x 2 hour lessons ","fees":"$287.76 (Incl. GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1727928702614,"hs_created_by_user_id":64756999,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":180091177755,"hs_initial_published_at":1727929355529,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1728114903038,"hs_updated_by_user_id":69954208,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Banner-SP-Book Lovers Programme- Roald Dahl","fileId":180257073848,"height":810,"type":"image","width":1920},"level":[{"id":170822052998,"isPublished":true,"name":"P1","type":"foreignid"},{"id":170822052999,"isPublished":true,"name":"P2","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":1,"schedule":"
Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
\n United Square \n | \nTuesday, Wednesday 19 Nov, 20 Nov | \n\n 12:30pm to 2:30pm \n | \n
This two-day program brings the science of engineering to life with engaging experiments and projects.
Your child will get to investigate the properties of different materials and construct their own superhero launcher. They will also explore the Newton's Laws of Motion and apply their newfound knowledge by creating a balloon-powered racer!
Topics covered include:
- \n
- Properties of Materials \n
- Newton's Laws of Motion \n
This programme consists of both hands-on experiments and projects. Experiments will be conducted in groups/pairs while projects will be conducted individually.
\nExperiments and projects include:
- \n
- Session 1 - Investigating the strength and elasticity of various materials, creating a superhero launcher. \n
- Session 2 - Observing Newton's first and second laws of motion in a moving toy car, creating a balloon-powered racer.
Are you ready to ignite your child's passion for innovation? Our Superhero Engineering program invites young minds to explore the exciting world of engineering and discover the limitless possibilities it holds.
\nFrom towering skyscrapers to futuristic wearables, engineers are shaping our world in extraordinary ways! Join us on an adventure where your child will delve into the fundamental principles of engineering while honing their spatial, reasoning, and problem-solving skills. Your child will also get to take on the role of a junior engineer and build their own creations!
","duration":"2 x 2 hour lessons ","fees":"$287.76 (Incl. GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1727932503907,"hs_created_by_user_id":69954208,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":180105299346,"hs_initial_published_at":1727933054707,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1732249748868,"hs_updated_by_user_id":64756999,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Banner-SP-Amazing World of Science","fileId":180295020359,"height":810,"type":"image","width":1920},"level":[{"id":170822052998,"isPublished":true,"name":"P1","type":"foreignid"},{"id":170822052999,"isPublished":true,"name":"P2","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":1,"schedule":"Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
\n United Square \n | \nWednesday, Thursday 4 Dec, 5 Dec | \n\n 12:30pm to 2:30pm \n | \n
This two-day programme brings the science of electricity to life through engaging experiments and projects.
\nYour child will explore the mysteries of electrical components and circuits, and then put their newfound knowledge to the test by building their own motorised gadgets!
Topics covered include:
- \n
- Electrical conductors and insulators \n
- Electrical circuits
This programme consists of both hands-on experiments and projects. Experiments will be conducted in groups/pairs while projects will be conducted individually.
Experiments and projects include:
- \n
- Session 1 - Conductors and insulators: connecting a light bulb, conducting experiments to test the electrical conductivities of different objects, making short circuits, and making a rain detector. \n
- Session 2 - Circuitry and gadgets: conducting experiments to connect various electrical components, experiments to test how different arrangements of light bulbs or batteries affect the brightness of light bulbs, and making an electric car.
Discover the electrifying world around us! Our daily lives are powered by electricity, from the lights we turn on to the gadgets we use.
\nGet ready for a thrilling adventure where your child will build their own motorised gadgets and see their creations come to life through the power of electricity!
","duration":"2 x 3 hour lessons ","fees":"$431.64 (Incl. GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1727932774921,"hs_created_by_user_id":69954208,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":180105299351,"hs_initial_published_at":1727933054707,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1732249756496,"hs_updated_by_user_id":64756999,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Banner-SP-Amazing World of Science","fileId":180295020359,"height":810,"type":"image","width":1920},"level":[{"id":172335372633,"isPublished":true,"name":"P3","type":"foreignid"},{"id":172572065715,"isPublished":true,"name":"P4","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":1,"schedule":"Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
\n United Square \n | \nTuesday, Wednesday 17 Dec, 18 Dec | \n\n 10:00am to 1:00pm \n | \n
Early Bird Discount (14 days before programme commences): $512.57
Regular Fee: $539.55","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1727933148303,"hs_created_by_user_id":66473057,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":180111062569,"hs_initial_published_at":1727937716845,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1735881531538,"hs_updated_by_user_id":64756999,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Banner-Special-Programmes-CodingLab-Python Junior","fileId":180308768271,"height":810,"type":"image","width":1920},"level":[{"id":172981847955,"isPublished":true,"name":"SEC1","type":"foreignid"},{"id":172985709997,"isPublished":true,"name":"SEC2","type":"foreignid"},{"id":172981847956,"isPublished":true,"name":"SEC3","type":"foreignid"},{"id":172981847957,"isPublished":true,"name":"SEC4","type":"foreignid"},{"id":172981847958,"isPublished":true,"name":"JC1","type":"foreignid"},{"id":172981847959,"isPublished":true,"name":"JC2","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":0,"start_date":1721606400000,"tags":[{"id":179997493154,"isPublished":true,"name":"Holiday","type":"foreignid"}],"title":"S102 Python 1","type":{"createdAt":1720543282860,"createdByUserId":10587375,"id":1,"isHubspotDefined":false,"label":"Coding Lab","labelTranslations":{},"name":"Coding Lab","order":0,"type":"option","updatedAt":1720543282860,"updatedByUserId":10587375}},{"button_link":"","button_text":"REGISTER NOW","category":[{"id":180105299462,"isPublished":true,"name":"Magnificent World of Math: Recipe for a Remarkable Restaurant","type":"foreignid"}],"class_format":"Fully physical classes","course_outline":"
Highlights of the programme include:
\n- \n
- Take on the role of a restaurant manager to manage the operations \n
- Introduction to concepts under topics of Graphs, Patterns, Length, Mass, Volume, Fractions and Time \n
- Participate in an in-class activity where you will be making a recipe of a new drink in class while learning Volume \n
- Bring home your very own Seat stealer Takeaway board game \n
- \n
- Graphs \n
- Patterns \n
- Length and Mass \n
- Volume \n
- Fractions \n
- Time \n
- Perimeter \n
- Logical Reasoning \n
This programme aims to develop your child's numerical prowess and mathematical skills, whilst introducing concepts and topics in a fun and enjoyable manner. Your child will be given the opportunity to develop problem solving and decision making skills through project-based learning and fun activities!
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\n United Square \n | \nMonday to Wednesday 9 Dec to 11 Dec | \n\n 12:30pm to 2:30pm \n | \n
Early Bird Discount (14 days before programme commences): $512.57
Regular Fee: $539.55","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1727945985380,"hs_created_by_user_id":66473057,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":180120186449,"hs_initial_published_at":1727948612522,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1735881532767,"hs_updated_by_user_id":64756999,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Banner-Special-Programmes-CodingLab-Python Junior","fileId":180308768271,"height":810,"type":"image","width":1920},"level":[{"id":172981847955,"isPublished":true,"name":"SEC1","type":"foreignid"},{"id":172985709997,"isPublished":true,"name":"SEC2","type":"foreignid"},{"id":172981847956,"isPublished":true,"name":"SEC3","type":"foreignid"},{"id":172981847957,"isPublished":true,"name":"SEC4","type":"foreignid"},{"id":172981847958,"isPublished":true,"name":"JC1","type":"foreignid"},{"id":172981847959,"isPublished":true,"name":"JC2","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":0,"start_date":1721606400000,"tags":[{"id":179997493154,"isPublished":true,"name":"Holiday","type":"foreignid"},{"id":172153304899,"isPublished":true,"name":"Accelerated","type":"foreignid"}],"title":"S102 Python 1 (Accelerated)","type":{"createdAt":1720543282860,"createdByUserId":10587375,"id":1,"isHubspotDefined":false,"label":"Coding Lab","labelTranslations":{},"name":"Coding Lab","order":0,"type":"option","updatedAt":1720543282860,"updatedByUserId":10587375}},{"class_format":"Fully physical classes","description":"Give your child a chance to look beneath the surface at how popular applications like Instagram, TikTok and Telegram are constructed. Using the MIT App Inventor platform, we’ll guide your children through an entire mobile app development journey. And yes, they do create their very own fully functional app at the end of the course! ","duration":"3 x 7 hour lessons
Includes 1-hour lunch break","fees":"
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It’s never too early to build foundations. As the Fourth Industrial Revolution approaches, coding skills are more essential than ever in giving your children a competitive advantage. Python is a powerful language, widely used in companies like Google and Amazon Web Services. It is also the best place to start for younger learners who are new to programming because of its relative simplicity.
","duration":"5 x 3.5 hour lessons","fees":"Early Bird Discount (14 days before programme commences): $823.22
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The Advanced Computer Scientists programme develops students to the next level of programming. Students will now deep dive into app creation for both iOs and Android, develop the maker in them with our extensive micro:bit curriculum, and model advanced concepts across syntax-based programming to create tangible, real-world products.
","duration":"4 x 2.5 hour lessons","fees":"Early Bird Discount (14 days before programme commences): $491.86
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English Language Components and Skills
\n- \n
- Comprehension MCQ: specialist guidance on question analysis, close reading, clue-sourcing and answering techniques \n
- Vocabulary MCQ: exposure to a comprehensive range of GEP-level vocabulary \n
- Cloze Passage: contextual analysis and answer precision techniques \n
- General Ability: homographs, anagrams, analogies and word puzzles \n
Mathematics Topics
\n- \n
- Arithmetic: number sense, four operations, orders and positions \n
- Geometry: properties of polygons, shapes within shapes \n
- Measurement: gaps and intervals, rates, sets \n
- General Ability components
- Number Patterns: number sequences, number puzzles
- Figure Patterns: rotational/symmetrical/inverted patterns
- Logic: relationship in pairs, deducing answers based on logical reasoning
- Spatial Sense: parts of a composite shape, regular and irregular shapes \n
The Learning Lab's GEP Excellence programme is an intensive set of lessons that provides your child with exposure to challenging questions that are commonly tested in the MOE’s highly competitive two-stage Selection exercise. Our specialists will guide your child to sharpen their critical thinking and creative problem-solving skills by training them in strategies and techniques to face the English Language, Mathematics and General Ability tests with confidence. Run several times in the academic year, this popular programme provides different sets of practices and questions every time your child participates in the programme in order to score well in the Selection exercise. The materials are pitched according to your child’s learning abilities at different times of the year. There will be no screening tests for our programme and all are welcome.
For English, Primary 3 students will be trained on how to apply specific tips and strategies for a variety of General Ability questions ranging from word puzzles and analogies to homographs and anagrams. They will also learn how to analyse challenging comprehension and cloze passages, and be trained on how to eliminate options using clue-sourcing and answer precision techniques. As vocabulary carries a high weightage in the Selection exercise, students will also get practice for tricky GEP-level MCQ questions that test their ability to differentiate between words with subtle nuances in meaning and require contextual application of vocabulary.
For Mathematics, Primary 3 students will be exposed to different types of non-routine problems which include familiar concepts such as arithmetic, patterns and measurement. The General Ability questions aim to boost their higher-level logical thinking and reasoning skills. This enrichment programme is also aimed at challenging students to achieve their full potential by tackling topics which require a strong ability to visualise diagrams. They will be taught how to analyse questions of high complexity and apply creative problem-solving methods to achieve efficiency.
Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \n\n Monday, 25 November (Mathematics) | \n\n 10:00 am - 1:00 pm \n | \n
United Square | \n\n Thursday, 12 December (English Session 1) | \n
Designed to give your child a chance to hone his or her writing skills, this programme also has composition review lessons where the teacher will provide personalised feedback on your child's essays to help him or her improve. Key exam skills such as time management, idea generation, writing techniques and vocabulary will also be covered using composition questions and scaffolded responses (model essays).
","duration":"8 x 2 hour lessons","fees":"[10% off] Bundle of Programme 1 & 2: $2,260.22 (w/ GST)Regular Fee: $1,255.68 (w/ GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1728544613835,"hs_created_by_user_id":69954208,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":180657914707,"hs_initial_published_at":1731560960837,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1732695699742,"hs_updated_by_user_id":69954208,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Thumbnail-PSLE-Intensive-Writing-01","fileId":183215992238,"height":808,"type":"image","width":810},"level":[{"id":172556979323,"isPublished":true,"name":"P6","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":1,"schedule":"
Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \nEvery Wednesday 15 Jan to 12 Mar (Except 29 Jan) | \n3.00 pm - 5.00 pm | \n
United Square | \nEvery Thursday 16 Jan to 13 Mar (Except 30 Jan) | \n3.00 pm - 5.00 pm | \n
JEM | \nEvery Friday 17 Jan to 14 Mar (Except 31 Jan) | \n5.00 pm - 7.00 pm | \n
Century Square | \nEvery Friday 17 Jan to 14 Mar (Except 31 Jan) | \n3.00 pm - 5.00 pm | \n
Designed to give your child a chance to hone his or her writing skills, this programme also has composition review lessons where the teacher will provide personalised feedback to your child's essays to help him or her improve. Key exam skills such as time management, idea generation, writing techniques and vocabulary will also be covered using composition questions and model essays.
","duration":"8 x 2 hour lessons","fees":"[10% off] Bundle of Programme 1 & 2: $2,260.22 (w/ GST)Regular Fee: $1,255.68 (w/ GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1732524491761,"hs_created_by_user_id":69954208,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":183174180139,"hs_initial_published_at":1732524650542,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1732695702165,"hs_updated_by_user_id":69954208,"image":{"url":"","altText":"Thumbnail-PSLE-Intensive-Writing-03","fileId":183217780013,"height":808,"type":"image","width":810},"level":[{"id":172556979323,"isPublished":true,"name":"P6","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":1,"schedule":"
Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \nEvery Wednesday 26 Mar to 21 May (Except 30 Apr) | \n3.00 pm - 5.00 pm | \n
United Square | \nEvery Tuesday 1 Apr to 27 May (Except 6 May) | \n5.00 pm - 7.00 pm | \n
JEM | \nEvery Tuesday 1 Apr to 27 May (Except 6 May) | \n3.00 pm - 5.00 pm | \n
Century Square | \nEvery Thursday 27 Mar to 22 May (Except 1 May) | \n5.00 pm - 7.00 pm | \n
Besides a focus on plot planning, students will also learn how to structure the different parts of a narrative story. They will learn how to craft compelling introductions as well as develop gripping climaxes and satisfying conclusions for the narrative.
\nStudents will be provided with scaffolded responses for all writing exercises. Students will analyse these scaffolded responses for application of literary techniques, plot development and use of vivid descriptions and phrases.
\nStudents can sign up for Composition Writing Excellence 1 without signing up for Composition Writing Excellence 2 and vice versa. However, we strongly encourage students to sign for both to receive a more well-rounded programme.
","description":"Unleash your child's writing potential in part one of our CW Excellence Writing series!
\nHaving a good structure is the backbone to effective writing and in this programme, your child will get to hone their planning skills and craft well-organised compositions that flow smoothly. They will also learn how to generate powerful ideas that captivate their readers through engaging exercises and thought-provoking prompts.
\nThis programme provides your child with a solid foundation in writing and helps your child gain more confidence as a writer.
","duration":"5 x 2 hour lessons","fees":"$784.80 (w/ GST)[10% off] Bundle of Excellence 1 & 2: $1,412.64 (w/ GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1732675727413,"hs_created_by_user_id":69954208,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":183255651237,"hs_initial_published_at":1732676315200,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1733237870375,"hs_updated_by_user_id":64756999,"level":[{"id":172572065716,"isPublished":true,"name":"P5","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":1,"schedule":"
Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \nEvery Thursday 6 Feb to 6 Mar | \n5.00 pm - 7.00 pm | \n
United Square | \nEvery Monday 10 Feb to 10 Mar | \n3.00 pm - 5.00 pm | \n
Students will also explore various literary techniques which can be used to describe people, places and things that appear in their narrative story. They will learn how to create compelling characters using characterisation and craft exciting climaxes with two or more literary techniques.
\nStudents will be provided with scaffolded responses for all writing exercises. Students will analyse these scaffolded responses for application of literary techniques, plot development and use of vivid descriptions and phrases.
\nStudents can sign up for Composition Writing Excellence 2 without signing up for Composition Writing Excellence 1 and vice versa. However, we strongly encourage students to sign for both to receive a more well-rounded programme.
","description":"Elevate your child's writing to new heights in part two of our CW Excellence Writing series.
\nIn this programme, your child will discover the power of words as they explore a variety of literacy techniques that will add adepth and nuances to their writing.
\nEmpower your child to become a more expressive and proficient writer through this programme!
","duration":"5 x 2 hour lessons","fees":"$784.80 (w/ GST)[10% off] Bundle of Excellence 1 & 2: $1,412.64 (w/ GST)","hs_child_table_id":0,"hs_created_at":1732676125211,"hs_created_by_user_id":69954208,"hs_deleted_at":0,"hs_id":183249092255,"hs_initial_published_at":1732676315200,"hs_is_edited":false,"hs_published_at":1735887260540,"hs_updated_at":1733237879842,"hs_updated_by_user_id":64756999,"level":[{"id":172572065716,"isPublished":true,"name":"P5","type":"foreignid"}],"publish":1,"schedule":"
Location | \nDate | \nTime | \n
United Square | \nEvery Monday 7 Apr to 5 May | \n3.00 pm - 5.00 pm | \n
United Square | \nEvery Tuesday 8 Apr to 6 May | \n3.00 pm - 5.00 pm | \n
We have designed a curriculum that introduces computational thinking at an age-appropriate level. After mastering the basics of Scratch, we encourage our students to explore the limits of their imagination. They’ll be tasked with their first-ever hackathon, where they have to put together characters and functions to create games, stories or animations of their choice.
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Scratch 2 is a natural progression for students to hone their skills from Scratch 1. Your child will be able to reiterate concepts with more challenging activities (practice makes perfect!) and realise their childhood dreams of building the coolest game or exciting blockbuster-like animation.
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It’s never too early to build foundations.
\nAs the Fourth Industrial Revolution is approaching, coding skills are more essential than ever in giving your children a competitive advantage. Python is a powerful language, widely used in companies like Google and Amazon Web Services. Yet, it is the best place to start for younger learners who are new to programming because of its relative simplicity.
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It’s never too early to build foundations.
\nAs the Fourth Industrial Revolution is approaching, coding skills are more essential than ever in giving your children a competitive advantage. Python is a powerful language, widely used in companies like Google and Amazon Web Services. Yet, it is the best place to start for younger learners who are new to programming because of its relative simplicity.
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Advanced Computer Scientists Programmes
\nOur upper primary Advanced Computer Scientists programmes are specially designed with Coding Lab's proprietary award-winning, MIT-Inspired curriculum to build foundations for children to grasp new programming language with real-world content.
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Advanced Computer Scientists Programmes
\nOur upper primary Advanced Computer Scientists programmes are specially designed with Coding Lab's proprietary award-winning, MIT-Inspired curriculum to build foundations for children to grasp new programming language with real-world content.
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“Without my teachers, I would never dare to dream of where I am today.”
"A determined and kind teacher who never gave up on her students, Ms Shu truly inspired me and all my classmates to work harder and never give up. Without any expectation of recognition, Ms Shu has been our light when we were shrouded in darkness.
I can confidently say that Ms Shu is definitely the best teacher that I have ever met, and I believe that most of my success can be credited to her and TLL.
Once again, I would like to express my gratitude to TLL and my teachers for never giving up on me. Without them, I would never dare to dream of where I am today, and I would never have achieved the results I have today."
Frequently Asked Questions About Our Coding Lab Programmes
What is coding?
Why should my child learn coding?
Is the Coding Lab curriculum suitable for my child?
What are the qualifications of your teachers?
What is the difference between Holiday Camps, Accelerated and Regular Weekly classes?
What is your average class size?
Our classes have the maximum teacher to student ratio of the following:
- Preschool (Ages 5-6) 1:6
- Primary School (Ages 7-12) 1:8
- Secondary/JC (Ages 13-18) 1:10
We keep our classes small so that every student benefits from maximum personalised attention.