Primary 2 Programmes

Establish a Solid Foundation for Learning

Establish a Solid Foundation for Learning
At Primary 2, your child is ready to explore more advanced concepts, building upon the foundation laid in Primary 1. As they master the basics of each subject in our Primary 2 programmes, they will learn to apply their core knowledge across various topics to make a real connection between what they learn in school and the world around them.

Lesson Duration: 1 hr 45 mins
Class Size: 12 students
Reinforcing their language foundation, our Primary 2 English programme encourages your child to read and write independently while introducing new concepts to strengthen their grammar foundation and expand their vocabulary.
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Language Mastery
Students will learn about new concepts, which include infinitives, “I” versus “me” and prepositions of place, time, transport and movement, to strengthen their understanding of basic grammar rules. Along with thematic vocabulary learning, it will help them build a strong foundation in the language.
Skills and Techniques
Students will refine their reading, writing and speaking skills, as they develop their personal opinions and learn to express themselves coherently and confidently. When reading, they will capture key ideas and details in the text to answer directed questions or follow the story structure to write in sequence. They will also acquire writing techniques such as show-not-tell and dialogue to make their stories more vivid and interesting.
Contextualised Learning
To contextualise their learning in the real world and raise their social awareness, students will engage in various themes including Amazing Animals, Our Weird and Wonderful World and From Awareness to Action.

Lesson Duration: 1 hr 45 mins
Class Size: 12 students
At Primary 2, your child will have more complex word problems to solve. Designed in a range of fun activities, games and workshop-style lessons, your child will engage deeply with the subject and learn the relevant heuristics to solve these questions.
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Content Mastery
Students will master new topics, such as Fractions, Volume, Mass and 3D shapes, and work on new word problems pertaining to Gaps and Intervals, Age, Fractions, Volume, Mass and Time.
Skills and Techniques
Students will present word problems with more complex comparison models such as the stack model and apply heuristics including Guess and Check, Working Backwards and Grouping to solve them. They will also familiarise themselves with metric units of measurement and learn to order objects based on length, mass and volume. Ultimately, students will develop critical thinking skills through topical challenging problems and Maths Olympiad handouts.
Applied Learning
Using manipulatives such as number cards, clocks and weighing scales, students will carry out performance tasks in class and revisit concepts using our in-house concept card kits, termly story-based revision booklets and takeaways. Through arts, crafts and presentations, students will better understand real-life maths applications, for example by designing and presenting the world’s longest rail tracks in class to visualise the concepts of length, speed and capacity.

Hear What They Say About TLL
Mr. Alvin Lian
"Both my children look forward to their Learning Lab lessons every week. They enjoy the open communication their teachers instill within the classroom by encouraging students to participate actively on topic discussions. Often, they are excited to share the things they have learned from their lessons! The Learning Lab experience provides a cutting edge to my sons’ learning journeys by developing their ability to think critically and deeply about issues around them."