A   P R I M A R Y   W E B I N A R   S E R I E S

Tackling the Transition





Making Sense of Money:

Stepping into the Financial World

Raising financially savvy kids is vital and it is never too early to start! Building a firm foundation in basic money management and personal financial planning helps to prepare your child for life in the real world.

Using relatable scenarios and examples, your child will participate activities that will raise his or her awareness of money and help him or her to discover the relationship between allowance, spending, saving and giving.




Making Sense of Money

Stepping into the Financial World

Raising financially savvy kids is vital and it is never too early to start! Building a firm foundation in basic money management and personal financial planning helps to prepare your child for life in the real world.

Using relatable scenarios and examples, your child will participate activities that will raise his or her awareness of money and help him or her to discover the relationship between allowance, spending, saving and giving.




Programme Overview



Your child will start off by learning about the history of money, barter trading and physical forms of money. He or she will also be introduced to simple concepts and scenarios that he or she can identify with — receiving an allowance, how money can be spent, saved and even given to parents or beneficial causes.

Your child will also make a trip to a “supermarket” to learn about different item prices and how to make wise spending choices.


  • Understand the importance of money and its value in daily lives

  • Learn how to make wise spending choices  

  • Understand the importance of saving money and the concept of giving 

  • Apply math skills to manage allowance by calculating spending and savings 

Programme Schedule


Making Sense of Money

Woodleigh Mall Thursday,
27 July

28 July

4 August
12.30pm to 2.30pm

Making Sense of Money

Woodleigh Mall Thursday, 27 July
Friday, 28 July
Friday, 4 August
12.30pm to 2.30pm



Programme Details



Looking to Further Strengthen Your Child's GP Foundation?

Enjoy a special bundle rate if you sign up for this programme together with our General Paper Head Start Programme.


3 x 2 hour lessons


$388.80  (w/GST)

Register for 2 or more programmes to receive an exclusive TLL Backpack worth $39.

Class Format

Fully physical classes.




Frequently Asked Questions

1. If I cannot make it for some sessions of the programme, can I still sign up? Is the content covered related?

Your child can still attend the session as different topics are covered over the 3 days. Should your child miss any session, worksheets, answer keys and craft materials for the lesson (if applicable) will be provided.

2. Will there be any homework?     

There will be no homework. Students will go through the entire worksheet/activity during the programme duration.