

             FOR  STUDENTS OF AGES 8 TO 10


English Accelerator Programme



早鸟优惠,不可错过:限时报名立减 $600。仅限即日起至 2024 年 7 月 7 日。


Equip your child with the foundational knowledge and skills to be confident users of the English language. 

Early bird enrolment incentive: Enjoy $600 off your term fees if you register before 7 July 2024.








IGCSE Programmes

With dedicated curriculum experts and highly trained teachers, we help your child build a strong foundation to achieve success at the IGCSE. Our TLL International programmes are offered at TLL Woodleigh Mall and are open for registrations.


Quality Enrichment with Singapore's Top Trusted Education Brand



The English Accelerator Programme will help students pick up necessary reading, writing, speaking and listening skills in order to become confident users of the English language. Through TLL's signature approach to succeeding in English, this programme is designed for International Students who are looking to improve their English proficiency. 








Grammar & Vocabulary


Speaking & Presenting

Explore Our Programmes for International School Students


Enrich your child’s international school experience with Singapore’s trusted education brand. We deliver effective education programmes that nurture your child’s love of learning and build the foundation in knowledge and skills, aligned to international school curricula. 

*Coming Soon in October*




Accelerate Your Learning


The English Accelerator Programme will help students pick up necessary reading, writing, speaking and listening skills so that you can grow to become confident users of the English language. Through TLL's signature approach to succeeding in English, this programme is targeted at students in International schools who are looking to improve their proficiency in English.


1. 互动课程,让语言学习变得有趣
2. 技能练习,确保系统化学习
3. 定期测验,帮助学生在英语学习旅程中跟踪进度
4. 一本模范作文集,帮助学生从最优秀范文中学习更好的写作技巧

1. Interactive lessons to make language learning engaging
2. Skills-based practices to ensure systematic learning
3. Tests to help them track their progress in their English learning journey
4. Exemplary essays to help them write better

Enrolment Incentive for You
For a limited time only, register for any of our IGCSE courses today to enjoy a 1-lesson fee waiver*. 

*Terms apply.




Lesson Structure



The first lesson of every week will focus on foundational lessons covering grammar, vocabulary and sentence construction.

The second lesson of every week will focus on one of the following: Reading, Writing, Speaking and Presentations. At the start of every second lesson of the week, revision of the foundational lessons will be done to help students remember the skills taught.


Lesson Objectives

Reading 阅读

通过涵盖不同引人入胜话题的一 系列文章,例如独特的国家地区 和有趣的职业,阅读课将激发学 生成为更好的读者。每篇文章附 带的一系列问题也将帮助学生加 深对文章的理解。 

Through a range of passages covering engaging topics such as unique places in the world and interesting occupations, the Reading lessons will inspire students to become better readers. The series of questions accompanying each passage will also help students develop a deeper understanding of the text. 


Writing 写作

TLL 通过一系列教学工作坊和写作 练习传授关键的基础写作技能, 让学生建立写作信心。在学生探 索想法与思路时,也会有图片指 导。

Key foundational writing skills are taught through a series of teaching workshops and practices that allow students to build their confidence in writing. Pictures are used as a guide for students as they develop their ideas.


Grammar 语法

基本语法规则,如冠词、形容 词、名词、代词、动词、时态 等,将通过详细的示例和练习题 进行讲解。 

Basic grammar rules such as Articles, Adjectives, Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Tenses, amongst others will be covered in detail with examples and practice questions.


Vocabulary 词汇

学生将学习各种主题的词汇,例 如不同的家庭成员称谓、动物特 征、明喻等等。

Students learn a variety of thematic vocabulary such as the different names of family members, animal characteristics, similes and more.


Speaking and Presenting 口语与演讲

学生将通过日常话题的对话练习 和演讲来提高他们的口语技能, 这将增强他们使用英语的信心。

Students get a chance to work on their speaking skills through conversation practices and presentations on everyday topics that will boost their confidence in using the English language.


Programme Schedule

Centre Location



United Square

23 Aug - 13 Dec

 5:00pm - 6:30pm  

24 Aug - 14 Dec

 9:00am - 10:30am

 The Woodleigh Mall 

21 Aug - 11 Dec 

5:00pm - 6:30pm   

25 Aug - 15 Dec

 11:00am - 12:30pm


22 Aug - 12 Dec

 5:00pm - 6:30pm

27 Aug - 17 Dec

 5:00pm - 6:30pm

Biology *Coming Soon*

This programme is designed for students taking the Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610) core/extended syllabi to develop content mastery and hone answering techniques for specific topics. Through the use of comprehensive curriculum materials and a wide range of carefully selected questions, students will students will be well-prepared to master answering techniques for specific consepts and develop higher-order thinking skills.

IGCSE (0610) | 1st Year Biology (age 14-15)

Course A: Characteristics of Organisms and Movement of Substances


  • Characteristics and Classification of Living Organisms 
  • Organisation of the Organism
  • Movement In and Out of Cells (diffusion, osmosis, active transport)

IGCSE (0610) | 2nd Year Biology (age 15-16)

Course A: Coordination and Response, Drugs


  • Coordination and Response (human nervous system, the eye, hormones and homeostasis)
  • Drugs


Programme Details

Lessons: 2 lessons per week

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes per lesson

Class Format: Fully physical classes







The TLL Promise 

An Unrivalled Learning Experience

Nurturing Critical Thinkers and Effective Communicators

For  'O' Level, IP and IB students



The Learning Lab is a premium education brand that has served over X students over 20 years, helping them to build the right knowledge, skills and dispositions to achieve excellence in school and in personal growth.

Trust a brand that’s been backed by over X parents for effective and meaningful education enrichment, one that extends the value of your child’s holistic learning experience.  


An Unrivalled Learning Experience



生为一个优质教育品牌,TLL 20 多年来一直致力于培养学生的学习能力,为我们的学生培养正确的知识、技能和性格,使他们在学业和个人成长中取得优异成绩。



The Learning Lab is a premium education brand that has nurtured students’ learning for over 20 years, equipping all who come to us with the right knowledge, skills and dispositions to achieve excellence in school and in personal growth.

Extend your child’s educational experience with us and delight in the growth of your child as we build learners for life. 

Century square TLL


Our Curriculum

●  专业课程编写者根据您孩子当前的需要,选择合适的主题、话题和技能,帮助他们掌握语言基础。

●  特别编写的作业和练习,确保写作、阅读、词汇、语法和口语技能的全面掌握。

●  在教学研究中得出的经验用于指导教学法,制定注重学习、水平提高和未来发展的课程。

●  课程设计旨在帮助您的孩子系统性的提高语言能力,同时找到学习英语的乐趣。


● Dedicated curriculum writers pick the right themes, topics and skills suited to your child’s present needs in acquiring the basics for the language.

● Dedicated worksheets and exercises to ensure mastery of each skill set for writing, reading, vocabulary, grammar and speaking

● Insights from research are used to inform pedagogy to create a curriculum that focuses on learning, performance and future growth.

● Lessons are prepared in ways that help your child systematically improve and find the joy of ownership over their learning.


Century square TLL


Our Teachers

● 我们的教师接受过培训,且英文教学经验丰富。

● 我们的教师耐心、有洞察力、有爱心,给学生试错的机会,使学生在不断探索的学习过程中进步。

● 我们的教师能根据学生的需求调整教学和评估方法。

● 我们的教师会在学术和社交方面与您的孩子进行个性化教学。

● 教学方法侧重于帮助学生建立可迅速用于现实生活的英语技能。


● Teachers are trained and familiar with Singapore’s English curriculum.

● Teachers are kind, inquisitive, nurturing to help students feel safe to explore, make mistakes and learn.

●  Teachers adapt to what’s best for students in terms of teaching, reinforcement and assessment methods.

● Teachers meet your child where they are; academically and socially.

● Teaching methods focus on helping students build skills that are transferable to the real world.


Century square TLL



● 在新加坡拥有超过20年的卓越品牌信誉。

● 我们是新加坡教育行业中思想领袖。

● 我们是新加坡最大的领先的教育机构之一。


● Over 20 years as a trusted brand of excellence in Singapore.

● Thought leader in the enrichment industry

● We are one of the largest leading enrichment centres in Singapore


Century square TLL


Classroom Environment

● 我们独特的课堂布局鼓励灵活的座位安排,更自然地促使同学间的合作与学习。

● 这促进学生之间的互动、讨论和开放交流,以在课堂上建立共享学习氛围的意识。

● Unique classroom layouts encourage flexibility in seating arrangements, allowing collaborative and peer learning to take place more organically.

● This boosts interaction, discussion, openness and helps to build a sense of shared responsibility/community in the classroom.





听听TLL 家长怎么说

Hear What Our Existing Parents Have to Say

Valerie really enjoys her lessons at The Learning Lab! She always shares with me that her teachers are cheerful and kind-hearted, and shower her with lots of encouragement. In addition to the nurturing environment, I am also extremely satisfied with the curriculum here.

In English classes, Valerie is taught specific writing techniques and introduced to model compositions, which enable her to digest and understand concepts more readily. Her composition has since improved from 58% to 95%, in a short span of half a year! Presentations conducted termly also offer Valerie a valuable edge in honing her public speaking skills.

As a parent, I am heartened to know that my child is in good hands and am confident that she will be able to excel academically and beyond.
Valerie really enjoys her lessons at The Learning Lab! She always shares with me that her teachers are cheerful and kind-hearted, and shower her with lots of encouragement. In addition to the nurturing environment, I am also extremely satisfied with the curriculum here.

In English classes, Valerie is taught specific writing techniques and introduced to model compositions, which enable her to digest and understand concepts more readily. Her composition has since improved from 58% to 95%, in a short span of half a year! Presentations conducted termly also offer Valerie a valuable edge in honing her public speaking skills.

As a parent, I am heartened to know that my child is in good hands and am confident that she will be able to excel academically and beyond.
I still remember my disappointment when I realized I would miss a Math lesson due to a family holiday, as my teacher had promised to apply geometry and spatial concepts to show us the unimaginable.
How to create a hole on a piece of A4 paper large enough for us to walk through.
I still remember my disappointment when I realized I would miss a Math lesson due to a family holiday, as my teacher had promised to apply geometry and spatial concepts to show us the unimaginable.
How to create a hole on a piece of A4 paper large enough for us to walk through.

- Ms Audrey Tea

Parent of P3 English Student

- Ms Audrey Tea

Parent of P3 English Student






Ask Us About Our Programme

Find out exactly what your child will be learning in our classes. Fill in the form below and we'll be in touch within 1-3 working days.

Find out exactly what your child will be learning in our classes.
Fill in the form below and we'll be in touch within 1-3 working days.







Frequently Asked Questions 

TLL 的每间分行都有英文加速班?

Is the EAP available across the different TLL centres?

2024 年,英文加速班的实体课将在 TLL Woodleigh Mall、Jem 和 United Square 分行进行。

For 2024, the EAP will be conducted as physical lessons at TLL Woodleigh Mall, Jem and United Square only.


Who are eligible for the English Accelerator Programme?


(i) 在国际学校就读,但英语不是他们的母语的学生

(ii) 刚从外国学校或国际学校转入新加坡教育部学校的学生

(iii) 准备参加剑桥英语考试或 AEIS 考试的学生

今年刚开的初级班将接受年龄在 8 到 10 岁之间的学生。

This programme is suitable for students struggling with the fundamentals of English. They may be:

(i) students in international schools but English is not their native language

(ii) students who just transferred into an MOE school from a foreign school or international school

(iii) going to sit for the Cambridge English Test or AEIS examinations The newly launched Level 1 course this year accepts students who are aged 8 to 10 years old.


Will this programme help my child prep for CEQ?


As the skills covered in this programme include all necessary language skills, students who join this programme will improve their use of the language and these will lay the foundation for the CEQ tests. At the end of Proficiency Level 1, your child’s proficiency is expected to be similar to that of Primary 2 students in local schools.


Will there be homework every week?

由于每个学生的学习进度不同,我们只会在学生需要更多时间应用所学技能时安排作业, 例如完成故事写作或多做一些阅读理解问题。上演讲课时教师会分配时间让学生在课堂上准备,但也可能需要学生在课外花一些时间准备。

Since each student learns at their own pace, homework will only be issued if students require a bit more time to apply the skills taught, for example in completing their writing of a story, or completing a few more Reading comprehension questions. Presentation lessons may require students to spend some time outside of the lessons preparing for them, though time will be allocated in class to do so.


Will the work be marked?


Yes, work will be marked and feedback will be given so that each student will know where they went wrong and how they can improve. Intrusive marking is a signature TLL approach that has benefited students.

Find out more about The Learning Lab teaching and learning model, and the TLL student experience.



How many students are in a class?


There will be a maximum of 10 to 12 students in each class.