
Prepare for Primary 1


Ease Your Child's Transition to Primary 1

The transition from kindergarten to primary school is an exciting yet challenging time for both children and parents. Let us support your child on this academic journey. Through TLL, give your child an edge on essential skills and knowledge, and help her or him develop positive learning attitudes and the confidence to excel on this new academic journey.

Introducing academic concepts through creative learning


We nurture our preschoolers' love for learning by capturing their interest and attention through creative activities, such as spelling competitions to induce excitement and learning fractions with building blocks for better visualisation.

Encouraging independent learning from day one


Our curriculum fosters independence right from the start by encouraging students to manage simple tasks and take charge of their own learning. This builds their self-confidence and equips them with the skills needed to thrive in Primary 1 and beyond.

Acquiring key social skills and classroom habits


We stimulate curiosity and encourage self-expression in a small group environment with interactive lessons that feature storytelling, role play and games. These help to facilitate healthy interaction and communication among young learners, sustaining their attention span and improving their ability to respond to direct verbal and visual cues. 


Paving the Road to Primary 1

Our Early Years programmes are specially designed to engage young students with hands-on activities such as games, puzzles and show-and-tell so they can adopt literacy and numeracy skills through first-hand application and not just rote learning.

Under the guidance of our dedicated teachers, your child will soon be ready to handle tasks independently in primary school with the right habits cultivated in our classrooms.


Kindergarten 1

Kindergarten 2

Interested in our Primary 1 programmes? Contact us.

Find out more about our Primary 1 classes by filling in the form below and we will be in touch within 1-3 working days.

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