
Advance Mathematical Thinking
with Logical Analysis

Mathematics is a powerful tool that develops a logical approach to breaking down complex problems, analysing them with a critical eye and navigating towards solutions. Our maths programmes delve into the heart of mathematical thinking, equipping your child with the strategies and tools to tackle any challenge.
Our lessons are designed to pique your child’s interest and excitement towards solving mathematical problems, equip them with the skills and techniques to tackle mathematical concepts of higher complexity and unlock their analytical thinking to apply not just in academics, but also throughout their life.

Mathematics: From Exploratory to Mastery

Engage the right support at every level to develop your child's mathematical thinking.

Early Years

Early Years

Nursery 2 – Kindergarten 2

Through hands-on learning experiences such as games and craftwork, your child will better understand abstract mathematical concepts and even learn to appreciate their use in everyday life. By stimulating their curiosity on this subject, they may develop a positive attitude towards acquiring the knowledge of numeracy concepts and maths vocabulary, honing their problem-solving skills.



Primary 1 – 6

With an arsenal of problem-solving heuristics, your child will become agile in approaching maths challenges from multiple perspectives and deriving the most effective solution. They will practise real-life maths applications through various class activities that simulate problems in the real-world context to refine their problem-solving capabilities. 


Secondary &<br> Junior College

Secondary &
Junior College

Secondary 1 – Junior College 2

Our lessons closely follow the school syllabus to ensure your child has ample practice and reinforcement of complex maths concepts. With the increasing complexity of maths concepts, our maths curriculum will focus on strengthening your child's conceptual understanding and analytical skills to make inferences, draw logical conclusions and evaluate solutions in real-world contexts.

Exploring TLL's Mathematics Programmes for Your Child?

One Equation, Multiple Solutions

In the intricate world of Mathematics, there is often more than one solution to every problem. To broaden students' analytical thinking and enhance their adaptability, we expose them to various methods and heuristics to solve different problems, so they become adept at drawing connections, recognising patterns and choosing the most suitable and time-efficient solution by applying the following steps:


1. Identify the problem.


2. Explore all potential methods to solve the problem.


3. Apply the method best suited to the student’s ability.


4. Review answers logically to check for mistakes.

Real-World Maths Problems

The core tenet of maths is the ability to solve real-world problems and harness the power of reasoning. Therefore, our maths lessons include intriguing puzzles and problems with real-world applications, such as planning a travel itinerary and calculating foreign exchange currency, so your child can not only learn the techniques to solve these problems, but also better understand how the world functions.

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Lesson Formats

Regular Classes

Regular Classes

At TLL, your child's safety is our top priority. That's why robust safe management measures have been put in place at all our centres to create the safest learning environment possible for your child, so they can focus on their academic goals without disruption.

Our physical classes provide a conducive environment for interactive learning, as students can actively engage with their peers and the learning materials. In boardroom-style classrooms, our students are able and encouraged to actively share and present their opinions in class, fostering a dynamic exchange of ideas.

Online Classes

Online Classes

Available for Primary 3 to Secondary 4 students, TLL Online consists of classes that follow the same curriculum as our regular classes but are fully conducted online. Adapting the structure of our regular classes, TLL Online provides a complete online curriculum for students to excel from the comfort of their homes.

This online platform offers the perfect blend of flexibility and rigour, making it ideal for students with busy schedules, those seeking additional learning support, or those who simply prefer a virtual learning environment.

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Hear What Our Parents and Students Say

Because the difference we make is why we do what we do.


TLL alumnus (9 years with TLL)

"TLL's approach to education can be summarised as an irresistible combination of enriching material and passionate teachers. They were inspiring and knowledgeable, delivering a quality of education that I simply could not find elsewhere.

It showed me that learning could be fun, and filled me with palpable excitement whenever I learnt something new that stretched me beyond my peers."

Mrs. Xavier

Parent of Kindergarten 2 student

"My child Sasha is so eager to attend class every week. Even if she is not feeling well, she is so focused and willing to attend the class. Since joining TLL, she has grown in confidence when handling Mathematical problems.

I look forward to seeing more positive changes in her apart from how she handles her academic work. The most important thing is that she feels so relaxed and stress free after the end of 1hr 45 minutes class. That’s the success of TLL."

Ms. Joyce

Parent of Primary 1 student

"Jervis looks forward to his Math lesson every week. He enjoys doing the worksheets especially the advanced and challenging ones given by his teacher. The teachers are able to assess my boy’s weakness from his work and will also discuss with me after each lesson how they will help my boy and how I can revise with him at home.

Special thanks to his Math teacher for her patience and fun loving ways to make the lesson interesting for my boy. TLL has prepared him well for his school tests and he understands the concepts well.

As a parent, I am heartened to know that my child is in good hands and am confident that she will be able to excel academically and beyond."

Interested in our Mathematics classes? Contact us.

For more details about our Mathematics programmes, simply fill in the form below and we will be in touch within 1-3 working days.

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