5 Standout Qualities of Inspirational Teachers


We all have that one teacher who left a profound and lasting impact on us, and who we remember to this day no matter how old we are. Some of the lessons they taught us extended beyond the classroom, weaving their threads into our everyday life, into how we conduct ourselves, into how we treat others, and the moral principles we stand for.

What are some of the distinct characteristics of inspirational teachers that set them apart from the rest? In this article, The Learning Lab delves deeper.


1. They are passionate about teaching

Inspirational teachers do not simply end work when the class ends. In fact, they live and breathe their subject, and happily extend their hours if it means they can impart their knowledge to more students.

The best teachers pass on this burning enthusiasm to their students, inspiring students to view the subject through refreshed lenses and to see things from a different perspective. Some inspired students have even gone on to become teachers.

2. They genuinely care for their students

Inspirational teachers care for their students beyond the grades that their students can achieve, going out of their way to ensure the well-being of their students by checking in on them from time to time.

Intuitive teachers might even be able to sense that their students are encountering troubles at home and help them find a solution. Inspirational teachers thus become a beacon of light for students encountering turbulent times.


3. They are unconventional in the most inspiring way

Do you still remember the teacher who made the entire class stand on tables and hold hands to demonstrate a point? Or the one who took the class out on an impromptu field trip to bring the study material to life?

Inspirational teachers reinvent the wheel and the curriculum, bringing a dose of fun and unpredictability into their lessons, which in turn keeps students on their toes and creates unforgettable lessons that have a positive lasting impact.

4. They never give up on their students

Everyone has off days. Inspirational teachers know that one failed paper does not label a student for life, and in fact will encourage the student to persevere, try again, and keep looking ahead.

They never gave up on us even when we gave up on ourselves, and was our ultimate cheerleader who encouraged us to do things we never thought we could do.


5. They improvise when necessary

Instead of strictly sticking to the curriculum, inspirational teachers improvise when necessary. Are students getting restless in class? If so, inspirational teachers will not plough ahead with the subject matter as they know that at that point, nothing they say will get through to their students.

In fact, they might shake things up a little by taking students out for a hands-on experience of the subject matter instead. Is there a cancelled school assembly? Inspirational teachers will fill in the gap in a heartbeat and replace it with another learning activity.

Inspiring the Passion for Learning

It’s safe to say we have all experienced at least one inspirational teacher who helped us to understand their subject more and taught us to become a better person. You never know, but your child might even be lucky enough to already encounter an inspirational teacher in their life.

At The Learning Lab, we have many teachers who continue to inspire our students and motivate them to greater heights. Click here to find our more about how our teachers do it.


A Day in a Life of a TLL Teacher

There is no greater pride to a teacher than seeing their students succeed, and we understand what it means to want the best for your child.

Meet some of our teachers who tirelessly strive to provide your child with the best learning experience in our TLL programmes.

Most of us will agree that educating boisterous young children is not easy. On top of that, preschool teacher, Cheryl Wong, is pursuing a fitness instructor license. How does she achieve these feats?

Teaching back-to-back classes and marking countless worksheets, while still finding hours in a day for her own me and family-time is all in a day’s work for our Maths teacher, Elizabeth Chin.

From planning for the next Science class to finding time to let loose and dance with his friends, how does Melvin Tan, our Secondary Science teacher, plan his routines around these hours?


The Learning Lab is now at 8 locations. Find a location that suits your needs.

If you have any questions about our range of programmes or class schedules, you may contact us at 6733 8711 or drop us an email at enquiry@thelearninglab.com.sg.


The Learning Lab is now at 8 locations. Find a location that suits your needs.

If you have any questions about our range of programmes or class schedules, you may fill in the form below or contact us at 6733 8711 / enquiry@thelearninglab.com.sg.


Who was the best teacher you ever had? Which mentor immediately stands out as the one who has been most influential and inspirational in your life? This could have been a teacher from primary school, secondary school or junior college. It could be a tutor or even your dance instructor. Whoever it was, your teacher was someone who was an absolute master at helping you learn far more than you ever imagined possible.

Bring to mind a clear image of this remarkable teacher. Hear your teacher’s voice, concentrating on not only its unique cadence and tone but also something they have said that has stuck with you throughout all these years. Feel the inspiration that still lives within you as a result of your relationship with this teacher. Think about the personal qualities this person exuded that commanded your respect and reverence.

As you recall memories of this individual who was such a powerful role model in your life, it is likely that you can identify and list certain personal characteristics that were most memorable. As you review this list of qualities, it may surprise you to realise that very few of these notable attributes have to do with the content of what this teacher taught.


As some of the most influential role models for developing students, teachers are responsible for more than just academic enrichment. If you want to be a great educator, you must connect with your pupils and reach them on multiple levels, because the best teachers are committed to their students’ well-being both inside and outside the classroom. By forging strong relationships, educators are able to affect virtually every aspect of their students’ lives, teaching them the important life lessons that will help them succeed beyond term papers and standardized tests.

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