“I believe the children are our future, teach them well and let them lead the way”, goes the first line of American pop diva Whitney Houston’s classic 1985 song The Greatest Love of All.
And so it has been for millennia with each generation of children growing up and taking over from the generation before it and then paving the way for the one to come.
We expect as a matter of course for each generation to be better than and to exceed the previous one. They will need to be: the brave new world of the 21st century will challenge us like never before, with geopolitical uncertainties, sweeping climate change and new technologies all requiring an unprecedentedly potent combination of knowledge and skills in order to thrive.
But have faith that your child will have what it takes to cope! While it may be a bit early to think of your child inheriting the earth at the moment, the signs are already there that point to this generation having the potential to be the greatest yet. Here are three simple yet insightful reasons why.

1. The Most Educated
Your child’s generation is reaping the benefits of a mature and developed education ecosystem at a time when education itself is moving in new, exciting directions. These benefits manifest in three main ways.
Firstly, there are more options and avenues for learning than ever before. The explosion of information on the Internet means that a wealth of knowledge lies at your child’s disposal just a click away.
Your children also have you: parents who are more discerning about and aware of what a good education looks like than previous generations, and who can capitalise on an education ecosystem that offers many competitive and compelling options.
Secondly, your child has the advantage of being in school at a time when the digitalisation wave is cresting. Governments and businesses are increasingly recognising the importance of digital skills and knowhow, and this has had a trickle-down effect on both public and private education providers who are devoting greater attention and resources to helping children acquire such skills.
Thirdly, your child will be just one of many in their generation who are trying to figure out how to navigate the new reality. They will be among peers hungry for new skills and the wide breadth of knowledge that emerging industries require, and who will collectively push this generation to new heights. It is either keep up, or be left behind, and your child’s generation will be the one setting the pace in the time to come.

2. The Most Connected
We have already touched on the effects of digitalisation on your child’s education, but your child also belongs to a generation of digital natives who are entirely at home with being connected to a degree unimaginable just two decades ago.
This is a generation that takes for granted that their smartphones are an extension of themselves, like an extra limb, and builds connections with online friends, celebrities and communities that are often as intimate as any in-person relationships they may form.
Going forward, the amount of technology and connectivity your child will be exposed to will only grow.
And it’s not all fun and games on social media. Like any tool, the Internet offers risks and rewards in equal measure, and managing both of these well will be key for your child’s development. Your child will need to learn how to balance the convenience, entertainment and information from being always plugged in with potential pitfalls such as addiction, scams and fake news.
The amount of smart, connected devices at home, in school and at work — the Internet of Things — will also only grow in the future, as will the e-commerce sector. Your child’s generation will have to be keenly aware of the basics of cybersecurity, and will have to make important decisions on what the future of data protection rights looks like.

3. The Most Compassionate
Finally, with greater connectivity and more connections also comes a confluence of different ideas, cultures and perspectives.
Your child’s generation is and will continue to be influenced by events and issues thousands of kilometres away physically but just a few centimetres away from their noses on phone or tablet screens.
The Internet has made the world feel like a smaller place, with netizens part of one big community. This means that your child could be inclined to feel more strongly about issues that other young people around the world are concerned with.
These issues may comprise global warming, racial and gender equality, animal rights and international politics. Your child will care more about the plights and circumstances of people around the world.
Your child will also have to make sense of all the different opinions and cultures in the great mixing pot of the Internet. He or she will need to learn how to accept and engage with views that are radically different from his or her own, and tolerate those that are directly in opposition. To be able to put oneself into the shoes of another person and see things from their perspective is one of the hallmarks of a global citizen.
Closer to home, your child’s generation will also be the first to bear the full brunt of the effects of Singapore’s ageing population. This doesn’t just mean having to take care of you, their parents! As a generation, your child and his or her peers will be responsible for shaping a compassionate society that provides all seniors with a safety net and gives them peace of mind in their silver years.

Grooming Today the Greatest Generation of Tomorrow
We don’t know exactly what the future holds, but we do know it will come with plenty of excitement, challenges and opportunities, and your child’s generation will have to be equal to the task of responding to all of these.
With tools of science fiction and a wealth of knowledge accumulated from humanity’s advancement over countless millenniums at your child’s fingertips, the extraordinary possibilities that await your child’s generation are endless.
At The Learning Lab, we believe strongly in equipping our students with the skills, mindsets and knowledge needed to become the visionaries and changemakers of tomorrow.
Watch our video in this link to discover how your child can be better equipped to lead the charge on breaking boundaries for a new world.
The Learning Lab is now at 9 locations. Find a location that suits your needs.
If you have any questions about our range of programmes or class schedules, you may contact us at 6733 8711 or drop us an email at enquiry@thelearninglab.com.sg.
The Learning Lab is now at 9 locations. Find a location that suits your needs.
If you have any questions about our programmes, please email us at enquiry@thelearninglab.com.sg or call us at 6733 8711 and we will be happy to assist you.