
Debunking 5 Myths about Home-Based Learning | The Learning Lab

Written by Admin | Apr 13, 2020 4:00:00 PM


In an unprecedented move to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, the Singapore government announced that all schools will be closed and moved to home-based learning for at least the whole month of April 2020.

This includes the closure of learning and enrichment centres. Adjusting to this new normal will mean adapting to a new lifestyle routine and may even mean procuring new electronics and materials to use from home. The change is inevitable, but it does not need to be painful. 

Read on to uncover 5 truths about home-based learning that will help you transition from centre- to home-based learning.


Myth 1: My child will be spending the whole day on the computer.



Similar to the workplace, the amount of screen time your child garners is unavoidable during this period where home-based learning involves web conferences between students and teachers.

That said, a well-designed curriculum will include interactive worksheets, live demonstrations and experiments that can enliven the way your child learns. 

You can also break the monotony of facing a computer screen by including physical activities such as home workouts into your #StayHome schedule. This will not only help you and your child to relieve stress but also stay active and fit as you work, and your child learns from home.


Myth 2: It's impossible to work and teach my child from home.



The art of balancing work and home has always been a challenge but one that can be overcome with effective time management.

Take this chance to bond with your child on a deeper level, implement a scheduled structure at home and inspire your child to be an independent learner. Make sure to pencil in time for both studies and play.



If this is your first time having to supervise your child’s learning journey at home over an extended period of time, remember to give yourself and your child time to adapt to the new routine.


Myth 3: My child will not get enough attention from the teachers.



Every child’s learning capabilities are different. Teachers will be able to utilise the various tools available online such as screen-sharing, interactive engagements and chat functions to ensure that your child receive their due attention in class. 


For example, with BigBlueButton (BBB), our teachers are well-equipped with an interactive online whiteboarding and student response polls to guide the classes, allowing lessons to remain participatory with sufficient class time to address students’ queries.


Myth 4: Lessons will be too fast for my child to understand.



Disruptions during lessons may occur whether they are in a classroom or on an online learning platform. Teachers are able to manage students with various online tools such as limiting private chats as well as through the delivery of engaging content which demands your child’s focus.

This content includes videos, live quizzes and hands-on activities that your child can carry out at home. With most online learning platforms, lessons can be recorded which can be replayed at a later time to allow your child a recap of the topics covered during an online lesson.

What’s more, in place of face-to-face interaction, you can utilise digital channels to maintain regular communications with your child’s teachers. Establishing an open communication channel between you and your child's teacher(s) during this home-based learning period continues to be important in helping you better understand your child's learning needs.

As a parent, you want information about how and what your child is learning. Being aware of your child's performance can help you make more informed decisions on how to best support his or her learning at home.

At the same time, it is also essential for you to update your child's teachers on how your child is doing at home. For example, if you know what your child’s learning style is, it would be a good idea to let his or her teacher know what kind of approaches help your child learn best.


Myth 5: The quality of home-based learning will not compare to that of on-site learning.



Though most schools and tuition centres are conducting their lessons through various platforms on the web at this juncture, it does not mean that your child's school or tuition teacher will be any less enthusiastic when it comes to conducting their online lessons.

Whether lessons are conducted on-site or delivered through home-based learning, our teachers, for instance, continue to deliver lessons with the same unparalleled passion and fervour both online and within a classroom setting.


At The Learning Lab, this is made possible with our tailor-made curriculum and effective pedagogy that imparts the right knowledge, skills and dispositions your child requires to succeed.

Home-based learning has its benefits and advantages as you get to witness first-hand your child’s learning experience and personally chart their learning progression.


TLL #StayHome

To further facilitate your child's home-based learning, we have put together a special TLL #StayHome Calendar featuring a treasure trove of resources that includes fun activities for your child, useful guides, informative articles, and more to help you plan and manage your time at home.


The Learning Lab is now at  locations. Find a location that suits your needs.

If you have any questions about our programmes, please email us at or call us at 6733 8711 and we will be happy to assist you.