Authoured by Michelle Hon, parent of Lauren, K1 child enrolled in English.
The content for this article is lightly edited and adapted from Michelle Hon's original blogpost at TheChillMom .

There are many things to consider when it comes to sending our little ones off to school — will they be able to keep up? Will they get along with the other kids? Will they listen to the teacher? As a parent, I’m concerned with what’s going to happen both academically and emotionally.
When Lauren first entered kindergarten, it was more of a casual ‘let her socialise’ kind of approach. If she learns something, it’s a bonus. However, Lauren is entering K2 next year and primary school the following year. Suddenly academics and performance become a much bigger concern. What if she’s behind other kids in primary school? I’m both excited and terrified to send my little girl off to school.
That’s why I firmly believe that in sending her to the Early Years English programme at The Learning Lab, the benefits outweigh the risk. My dream for Lauren is that she’ll develop a love for reading (my bad — we don’t have a consistent reading routine at home), be able to read independently and answer short-answer questions by the time she enters K2. I want her to be excited about learning and have no problems adapting to a larger primary school.
Here is why I believe The Learning Lab’s Early Years Programme will help Lauren meet those goals:
Environment Matters
Young children do best in an environment they’re familiar with, and that’s certainly true for my daughter. Ever notice that children get visibly uncomfortable in a strange environment and their personality seems to change? The same thing can happen in the classroom environment unless your child becomes accustomed to it at a young age.

The classroom environment at The Learning Lab is inviting. The class/boardroom structure encourages collaborations, verbal and social skills — pretty much the most important skills they need to set them up for success in their academic career. Giving our children exposure to a classroom environment early not only helps them become comfortable so they can focus on learning, but it also creates an atmosphere specifically dedicated to learning.
A Love of Learning
We never want learning to be perceived as a burden to our children. Thankfully, The Learning Lab crafts their materials in a way that gets kids excited about learning. I see global trends and national affairs woven into each lesson. This doesn’t only keep learning relevant but makes it interesting!

Lauren learns composition and creative writing through writing a letter to Singapore for National Day.
I believe when a child develops a love of learning, much of the fear she feels about school goes away. When fear and stress are under control, a child is much more likely to do well academically and socially. Teaching my daughter Lauren to love learning was a big factor in deciding to send her to the Early Years English programme.
Also, am I the only one getting excited with The Learning Lab library? Lauren’s teacher lovingly picks six books each week for Lauren to read at home — three books to read on her own and another three which are slightly more difficult for parent-child storytelling. Based on her observation on the very first day, Lauren is at Level 8 which honestly, I thought was too hard for Lauren. But Lauren could read those books all by herself. Imagine my surprise!

The Learning Lab Libraries house a massive collection of 77,000 books!
An Outside Perspective
Sometimes the key to really understanding how a child learns and where she excels is to get some outside perspective.
I’ve found that frequent feedback from Lauren’s teachers have helped me gain a deeper understanding of how her mind works, her learning style and ability. It has enabled me to continue the education process at home, knowing what to watch for and what to expect from a child her age. It helps to tame the ‘tiger mum’ in me when it comes to homework time.
It’s Not Too Early

Many parents worry that their children are too young to start enrichment classes, but it’s never too early! The sooner our children are exposed to the English language, the better their understanding will be.
The same is true for math enrichment classes. Gaining exposure to mathematical concepts at a young age will give your child an edge as they prepare to enter primary school.
Get Ready for Big Things
By enrolling my child at The Learning Lab, I’m really preparing her for the rest of her life. I can’t wait to see her read independently and have a wonderful grasp of the English language. I know this will set the foundation for her entire school career. I don’t want my child to be hung up on the basics of math and English when she should be focused on bigger things at school.
I’m looking forward to seeing a love of learning grow in my daughter because of The Learning Lab and sharing that love with you.
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