Formal assessment needn't cause stress and worry! Tests and exams are part and parcel of the academic landscape and with these easy tips, your child can face the upcoming CA1 papers with confidence.
The term “CA1” is the academic shorthand for Continual Assessment 1, a formal assessment for most primary school students starting at the Primary 2 level. While the format of examination differs from school to school, your child should expect to see a full paper for subjects such as English, Math and Mother Tongue.
Most schools conduct CA1 during weeks 7 or 8 of MOE Term 1 (middle to late February). Additionally, most schools release examination dates at the start of each semester or term. Be sure to pen those dates down on the family calendar.
Formal assessment such as CA1 papers allow schools to gauge your child’s ability to absorb, retain and apply knowledge. It also aids teachers in planning and executing their lessons by indicating how well a topic or subject has been taught.
How Will My Child Manage CA1?
A key issue at the forefront of parents’ minds is how a child will take to this new form of academic evaluation. Indeed, children may be uncertain as to how to handle a full paper and how to recall vast amounts of knowledge they have accumulated. However, as with every milestone your child has achieved thus far, CA1 can be navigated smoothly with the right tools on hand.
Capitalise on TLL’s three study tools and guide your child to achieve full potential this CA1.
For many young learners, the Primary 2 CA1 is the first major examination in formal education. As such, finding the stamina to finish an entire paper may be of concern to both students and you, their parents. Adopting a methodical time management plan will lay crucial foundations for success.
Allotting fixed pockets of time to each section of the paper allows a full paper to become more manageable. When tackled section by section, a once daunting full paper becomes a series of short, manageable tasks.
Being time savvy offers young learners an opportunity to gain confidence during the examination time. When your child follows a systematic plan, challenges like mental blocks or anxiety can be effortlessly thwarted.
Prime your child for success by imparting simple but impactful words of loving wisdom. Your affectionate words, as a parent, exponentially impact the positive emotional and psychological well-being of your child.
Verbalise your belief in your child’s abilities and character. A simple “I know you can do it” or “I’m proud of your good effort” can do wonders for a child who may find examinations unnerving. Affirmation empowers a child to approach a paper with confidence!
Sit with your child to work out realistic targets for each subject or exam component. Involving your child in this process affords a sense of stewardship in their education journey.
Consider drawing up a study plan and a countdown chart. These visual tools can help your child maintain focus and enthusiasm during revision time.
Consolidating notes to collate knowledge is an essential revision tactic. Looking through past work to pinpoint key areas to pay special attention to makes for effective knowledge refinement. Targeted revision reduces the probability of study fatigue.
Practising boosts confidence and breeds familiarity with content: do so by putting pencil to paper and brushing up on those grammar rules or mathematical operations in the run up to CA1!
The TLL CARE Method
As you and your child prepare for CA1, we at TLL hope that the love of learning makes revision time a fruitful chance to renew and refresh your appreciation of all that education has to offer.
Download our exclusive infographic and share with your child the TLL CARE Method — four easy, effective and easy-to-remember tips to cruise through CA1.
Registration For Term 2-2017 Classes Now Open
From specially crafted teaching materials to the design of each classroom, we pay great attention to ensuring the learning environment is not only the right one for your child, but also one that inspires and sparks a genuine curiosity towards learning.
If you are interested to speak with our enrolment specialists about our 2017 programmes, please email ENROLLMENT@THELEARNINGLAB.COM.SG or call us at 6733 8711 and we will be happy to assist.
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