Choosing the Right After-School Activities for Your Child

Choosing the Right After-School Activities for Your Child


As you and your child are settling into a new academic routine, one of the important decisions that your child has to make is choosing his or her after-school Co-Curricular Activity (CCA). From sports and uniform groups to the performing arts and enrichment classes, choosing the right after-school activities is important in shaping your child’s development in a holistic manner.

Often, it is through these instances that your child is exposed to and enriched with life skills that cannot be taught within the classroom.

So how do you choose the right after-school activities for your child? Here are some guidelines.


1. Do Not Skip Try-Outs


In many schools, students will get to “try out” their preferred CCAs in special sessions before the selection period. Teachers will also use these sessions to assess students with potential. Encourage your child to attend these try-outs so that he or she gets a better feel of and learns more about that CCA.



2. Weigh the Commitment


Commitment is a key consideration when choosing the right CCA. Sports and uniform groups generally take up more time than clubs and societies. Your child might find it challenging to juggle schoolwork and their CCA.

However, it is good to note that the greater the commitment to training for a competition or rehearsals for a performance, the greater the intrinsic satisfaction your child will feel. This usually creates memorable experiences that your child will recall in the years to come.



3. Explore Interests


If your child is a science buff whose nose is tucked into books or glued to the Discovery Channel most of the time, then getting him or her involved with the school’s Science Club might be a good idea to expand your child’s interest. 

You can also subscribe to some popular science magazines that will expose your child to topics they won't get to cover in the classroom.

After-school activities are good opportunities for your child to explore areas of interest that are not covered in the classroom. Many careers begin as hobbies, and it is possible for your child to hone these skills during their CCAs for their future benefit!



Instilling the Love of Learning


Many parents are also on the lookout for both enrichment and tuition classes for their children these days. Finding that balance for your child to develop their interests and build a solid foundation to excel in the various subjects in school may sometimes be difficult.

At The Learning Lab (TLL), your child achieves both. Besides equipping your young one to ace the exams, our lessons are peppered with colourful infographics, fun in-class games and interesting case studies on current topics such as Olympics, Brexit and the Zika Virus to keep your child fascinated with the world around them. Through these lesson materials, our students also get a broadened perspective of global affairs and priceless life skills.

Find out more about our programmes here.


While there are definitely many advantages of your children participating in after-school activities, it’s important not to overload their schedule. Make sure your children are able to cope (comfortably) with the extra activities on top of their daily workload. It’s also essential to talk to your children to find out if they are genuinely enjoying these activities. Else, they could seem more like burdens than avenues for self-development and fun!


Register for Our Classes


The Learning Lab is now at  locations. Find a location that suits your needs.

If you have any questions about our range of programmes or class schedules, you may fill in the form below or contact us at 6733 8711 or