5 Important Back-to-School Tips Your Child Should Know

5 Important Back-to-School Tips Your Child Should Know



The new school term has kicked off  and you might be wondering: Is your child ready to tackle it?

Whether your child is in Primary 4 or Secondary 4, we know getting back into “school mode” can be a challenge after a month's worth of relaxation and fun.

Your child may be dreading going back to school, however, you can provide an optimistic perspective by letting them know that the upcoming school year presents a brand new opportunity to reinvent themselves while enjoying a refreshing range of new learning experiences.

Here are some tips to help your child begin the year on the right foot.


1. Get Organised for School

During the first week of class, most teachers run through different subject outlines and expectations for the year.

Make sure that your child has files, textbooks, notebooks and stationery ready in preparation for the new curriculum and school work.

At home, encourage your child to practise the habit of neatly organising their books, binders, notebooks, and folders for each class on a shelf.

When school materials are stored in one place and more easily accessible, your child will be less likely to forget something when getting ready for school.

Pro tip: Label the shelves to make it easier for your child to find the right materials.


2. Get into the Habit Of Consolidating Lessons 

Once your child has settled in and gotten used to the new school schedule, the real work begins.

It’s important to keep track of  progress and be disciplined in revision when learning new topics and concepts.


Your child should be always prepared to tackle pop quizzes and class assessments. The last thing you would want is for them to be caught off guard and struggle with last minute revision. Encourage your child to work on "study guides" throughout the entire school term with organised notes.

At The Learning Lab, your child will be provided with a key summary of notes after the end of every class to gain a better understanding of new topics and concepts.

We further provide our students with additional materials in order to expose them to a variety of question types, as well as common pitfalls that many students face. If you are an existing TLL parent, we strongly advise tapping onto these resources when you are revising with your child during the weekends.


3. Communicate with Teachers

Your child's teachers are their best study buddies. Encourage your child to communicate openly with their teachers.

It's important that your child is not afraid to ask questions and to clarify doubts, especially so when it has to do with coping with their school workload or mastering a new concept.


At the heart of TLL, our bright and passionate teachers care deeply about helping your child thrive in a nurturing, learning environment.

That means going above and beyond in helping your child realise the full extent of their potential and staying in close contact with you to keep you updated about their learning progress.


4. Set New Goals for the New Year

Encourage your child to write out a list of goals that they want to achieve for the upcoming school year. 

If you are having trouble motivating your child to set academic goals, you can start by asking them to list down their personal goals.


These personal goals can be related to sports, hobbies or skills. For example, your child may want to get better at dribbling a soccer ball, reading more books, defeating that final boss in their favourite video game or writing a short story for their friends to read.

Additionally, your child may have goals that are related to values, attitudes and habits that they think are ideal.

When your child sets a range of goals, they have the opportunity to develop the key knowledge, skills and dispositions to succeed in school and in life.

Related Article: New Year, New Goals


5. Identify Areas of Improvement

Reflection is a positive way to start the goal setting process because it pushes your child to reflect on the things they need to work on and improve.

Several weeks after school starts, you can ask your child some questions to target areas of improvement which include: 

  • Which subject do you think you need more help in?
  • What are some areas you think you're good at?
  • What are some areas we should focus on to help you to perform better?

If your child needs additional help in particular subjects, we're here to offer the right support: TLL offers programmes for preschool, primary, secondary, and junior college students to help your child achieve academic excellence.

Click here to find out more about our range of comprehensive programmes that instil a joy of learning for every age.

From foundational practice worksheets to advanced and critical-thinking questions, we provide an extensive pool of materials at our centres to suit every student's unique learning needs, equipping them with problem-solving and higher-order thinking skills.


Focus on Meaningful Learning in 2023 

At The Learning Lab, we believe in empowering your child to dream, create and achieve. In our lessons, we help your child gain the knowledge, skills and dispositions to achieve success in school and in life.

We would love to be a part of your child's journey in the new academic year. 




The Learning Lab is now at  locations. Find a location that suits your needs.

If you have any questions about our programmes, please email us at enquiry@thelearninglab.com.sg or call us at 6733 8711 and we will be happy to assist you.