A Stellar
Track Record

Close and constant attention to our teaching and learning quality has helped us make key improvements to our teaching methodologies and curriculum design. This means that our students are primed to achieve stellar results with 9 out of 10 students achieving an A or A* at the PSLE, and a majority of our students scoring distinctions in English and Maths at the ‘O’ Levels.




Our Achievements in 2019

2,660 A*/As achieved at the 2019 PSLE

47% of our students achieved a T-score of 250 and above 

86% of our students achieved A*/As across all subjects 



Percentage of A*s & As per subject






Prepare for the PSLE

The PSLE is a huge academic milestone in your child’s academic journey. We've developed a solid plan to give your child the necessary academic support to be exam-ready in time for the prelims and PSLE.






A World of Opportunities

Students from The Learning Lab have consistently enjoyed placements in the Gifted Education Programme (GEP), Integrated Programmes (IPs), and the best mainstream ‘O’ Level schools and junior colleges.

Beyond that, our alumni have gone on to expand their intellectual horizons at renowned tertiary institutions both within Singapore and abroad. Whether at NUS, NTU or SMU in Singapore, Oxford or Cambridge in the UK, or Stanford, Harvard or Yale in the US, The Learning Lab graduates have embraced the love of learning and gone on to be world-ready students and upstanding members of society.



Hear From Our Students


"You don’t really see studying for the sake of studying, but for a greater purpose."

TLL Alumnus (P1 to JC2)


"Being at TLL really helped me develop my intellectual curiosity which I really appreciate and I think this is important. Because once you have it, you don’t really see studying for the sake of studying, but for a greater purpose.

I found the notes really helpful. One thing I really took away from my lesson with TLL was the importance of flexibility. Like a flexibility of the mind. For example, my teacher would tell us we have to use examples and help us to use one example and match it to difficult topics. I realised that learning is not really about memorising. Even as I read as much as I could, what I really really appreciated, learning how to fit examples into my work in a proper way.

All in all, I loved coming to class because I really like to learn and attending TLL was a lifestyle change for me."


"A determined and kind teacher who never gave up on her students, Ms Shu truly inspired me and all my classmates to work harder and never give up."

TLL Alumnus (P4 to JC2)

A determined and kind teacher who never gave up on her students, Ms Shu truly inspired me and all my classmates to work harder and never give up. Without any expectation of recognition, Ms Shu has been our light when we were shrouded in darkness.

I can confidently say that Ms Shu is definitely the best teacher that I have ever met, and I believe that most of my success can be credited to her and TLL.

Once again, I would like to express my gratitude to TLL and my teachers for never giving up on me. Without them, I would never dare to dream of where I am today, and I would never have achieved the results I have today.




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